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I got arrested!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mtx, 7 Jul 2003.

  1. I like the licence plate very much Manitou...very fitting for a DragonWolf.
  2. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    My bling bling


  3. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon


    I feel ya on that but it's not the same man. Killeen is evil. I can't explain it. Just a bunch of demoralized droids walking around that lack morals and ethics. It's kinda scary. Can't wait to get to Hawaii. :D
  4. MANITOU, I have the exact same shades for my Acura.

    Yes As, how have you been old buddy. Yup I am thinking of going Rotary for change. I love my Acura but the new RX8 ROX.
  5. Malone

    Malone Official Cow


    I just bought this car 2 weeks ago, cept that isn't the actual one. It's a 2003 Chrysler Seabring Conv., Red, Black Leather Interior, Limited Edition JXi.

    I love it, I worship it, you should too!
  6. /bows down to Mal's are.

    How ya been :mal: ?
  7. Malone

    Malone Official Cow

    GOOD! Just been chillin' with my dads on teh westSYDUH!

    Actually I joined a veteran T1/T2 team (Apocalypse) and we're kicking ass! Can you believe it T2 still alive and fun :O

    Anyways, that is all I guess. Still check out these forums every day even though I'm hated in the eyes of most :/

    <3 Rayzer!
  8. my my this is a testosterone infested little thread isn't it? hehe

  9. Now it's just a 'test' infested thread.. we'll leave the 'osterone' out of it. :D
  10. Malone

    Malone Official Cow

    WTH, gonna drop by in dah thread and not say hi Arg, :(
  11. im to old for bling bling .got a 95 crown viky ex cop car now .but in my bling bling days i had a 1969 MK1...351 cleavland under the hood..dont know if that wus bling bling but it shere wus vrooom vroooom..
  12. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    For some reason I don't get it. Is it the cars or the beer? Something is really wrong with one of the two.

    I had a lot of goodness today. I just woke up... I love sleeping on the floor and then waking up and going to the bed. Didn't really make it yet but I'm working on that.

    Lots of hoes and lots of easies. I had an 18 year old girl hit on me today and that's just wrong. I thought about it though. As messed up as that is. I actually gave it a moment of consideration. I'm not that desperate! Screwing little kids.. bah. I like women.. not little girls. But.. I don't like big women that much. I'll give them the time of day but nothing more.

    I'm a sexy bitch!

  13. *sigh*:( Why don't 18 year olds hit on me?
  14. my impression of this thread (hopefully this will help you get it ;) )

    "look at my sweet ride" *grabs crotch and burps*

  15. So you are saying we are a bunch of Al Bundy's. Sweet!

  16. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I wash my balls regularly. Infact I just washed my balls with shampoo. Both heads deserve the best.

    We should also wash our cars regularly. Using sponges to soap and window wipers to dry. :D

    Women are jealous of that bond between a man and his car. I've discovered that a lot of women are needy bitches. Always wanting to "cuddle" and damn near every night asking you to sit on the couch and watch TV with them. Doesn't even matter who they are. They all want me to watch some stupid show so they can lay on me.

    Then there's the "hold me" annoyance some women have. Stay away from the "hold me" women. They aren't worth it!

    I like tom boy styled girls because they're more independant. That's what I like in a woman.

    .... I should have said yes to that 18 year old girl now that I think of it. She's fresh meat. Mmmm
  17. southernrebel

    southernrebel Dragon Wolf daughter

    You know mtx from what you said when you imed me the other day and from what i read about you in here you are just a jerk! Let me ask you a question you know for sure that 18 year old would have slept with you. Let me tell you all the girls out there are not easy, and for you to sit there and think they are you have alot of nerve. By the way there was also no reason to be mean to that pr24 guy or whoever he is but he is right a eclipse is nothing big! You need to find other things to talk about except your self.

    Didnt mean for this to be rude i just dont like when ppl like him talk bad about girls when it is in fact guys like him who make guys look bad.
  18. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Child, you know nothing. You've stepped into a conversation with no real meaning and added drama to it. If you don't like me you should ignore me. Just as I added you to my ignore list when I figured out who you were on AIM. Nothing personal but I don't invest much in your hostilities.

    This thread is officially killed.


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