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Insomniax 'light' for Tribes 2

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Arglaar, 11 Oct 2001.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    As V3 we were invincable. We never lost. We kicked the shit out of RA though.
  2. Great Dane


    RA was the only clan that I played against that i never beat.
  3. Dane thats cuz -RA- could not beat the Might of -CDL- in the end days of T1 IX nore during there highest peak! Cappouts were common and the scores generally ended with a score of something like CDL 6 other team 0.

    If you want demos I have plenty of demos I even have some of all my l33t capp routes. Maybe letting some of these guys watch how we used to play would give them a new insight into how fun that shit was, I definately miss T1, however I did go back there about a month ago and tryed some of my routes I was, well simply put I was in Awe with the sheer speed that you were able to go, I truely have no Idea just how I did it! :)
  4. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Yeah CDL beat the crap out of RA as I remember it. I was never around for those games but I do remember Nars always telling everyone to talk shit to CDL people so that we could get one final rematch. Never worked though..
  5. Great Dane


    That's becuase Nars would never agree on a day to play. Dragon tried, and tried to get a match with RA but Nars would never agree to it.
  6. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Yeah well I don't doubt it. He is a power hungry bastard but enough about that.

    I used to love oh in 9a you could boost to avoid rocket hits and also having the ability to boost for long periods of time was good. Those were the days of heavy love :)
  7. Great Dane


    I always loved to play Desert of Death in matches. That really confused the booster whores.
  8. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I remember the CDL's first scrimmage. We played some team, I can't remember the name. But we lost bad!

    Then we began a series of scrims with the old Clan (K) and we usually traded wins back and forth with them.

    After that, {KSA} came along and we won normally against them, but they soon began to whip us bad. About this time h0micide came to us with BloodLust, DUH, Z-M@n, Murder, and maybe another... not sure of the name. We did a complete reconstruction and began a turn around. Shortly after that the majority of the Old Guard CoD guys left us. We then began the regular scrims with KM and others in the IX world. It was a period of renaissance with the CDL. Great memories from those days of battle.

    Lots of memories. The CDL became a T1 Clan in March of 1999, and still going strong today. The original members of CDL have actually been gaming together since 1974. :jawdrop: Yes, you read that right.... heh

  9. Great Dane


    In 1974 you must have been playing Monoply!!
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    Well, we started playing Dungeons and Dragons together then. There were about 6 of us hardcore gamers and we met once a week for two hours and gamed. It was acually pretty fun. We eventually had all the books once they came out and our characters were quite developed. From that group of gamers came 3 of the original charters of CDL. Plus, 2 others who began playing with us back then, but couldn't continue because of time constraints. (Spudikus and Haze, for those of you that remember.)

    I remember battling the V3 Clan once. I believe we tied them in one map, think it was Rollercoaster. They were one of the best Clans we ever battled. But, like a lot of the IX Clans during that time they eventually disbanded. I still have screenshots of the final scores from the maps, I think.

    We did some scrimmaging with FOG for a while also. They had some great talent too. VMirage, Wraith, Smash and Beelzy, to name a few. Long time ago....

  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    FOG was a good team.

    Hey since you played D and D does that mean you also played RIFFs? RIFFs is a GREAT game. Oh how I miss it. V3 played CDL? hmm I must have been absent that day.
  12. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Yes, we played V3. We had WarGod420 with us then, as well as Heebs, and a few others. I have two screenshots of the ties. I was lookning at them and it brought back many memories!

    I actually have a ton of screenshots from T1 still. Some of the shots include matches with the following Clans:
    Dyno (Don and the boys)
    {KSA} (Neofight and Nemesis and 45semi)
    (K) (Rubick, Bastion, and Little Man in here)
    V3 (vMirage, $7.95, WeBad, WeEvil and the gang)

    Wish I still had some from our battles with CoD. We scrimmaged them a lot too.

    If anyone would like to see some of these, let me know!

  13. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I want to see your shots with V3.. seriously.. I wounder if I could pick myself out in those shots.. hm

    Have any points shots you acn show for V3 as well?
  14. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    What I have are the point shots at the end of the matches. It shows the list of the names. Here they are for V3 for that map:

    G.I. Jihad

    Bring back memories? :)

  15. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Cowboy was always such a cool character.

    I guess you have none with the tag I used.
  16. Greetings,

    It is very good to see the old vets remember about past battles. I would like to know who you were in V3 MTX. I was with them for about 4 months only...They were my first clan that I ever belonged to.

    I remember it felt very good to belong to a clan and back in the golden days of Insomniax the fierce competion that went on. To see all the IX servers full every night...fond memories.

    I would apreciate seeing those screen shots personally Manitou. I was not with V3 yet when CDL faught V3. I was still proving myself to the IX community and honing my skill to be part of a IX clan.

    I am glad this thread got started. It is great to see the input from the old guard who have been around for almost 3 years. I agree with Manitou that 9.D was the best version of Insomniax. I thought it was the best balanced. The EMP grenades had a limited distance and duration. Boosters were effective for Assaults and the Turrets worked very well. I also enjoyed the scoring for turrets because it gave the chance for players who were normally offensive minded to play defense and make them a better well rounded IX warrior.

    More defensive strategies came out towards the end..The vengance heavy flag defenders..new tactics...warrior to warrior interception..eventually everything good comes to a end..It was a wonderful and rich experience for me personally and all the great people that I got to meet on line...and that I am still privledged to talk to from time to time.

    I have done extensive research and there have been many arguements about who the best IX clan there during Tribes 1. CDL had the best overall record..TC came second. V3 was undefeated. I would seriously consider looking at the time frame of IX through the years to make this a fair point.


    :ayb: :samuria: :ninja: :groovy: :hi:
  17. Great Dane


    It will be hard for another game to come close to what IX was at it's peak, but then again Tribes had been out for over a year before IX got really going so who knows..........
  18. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I had this really long reply.. then explorer crashed. :(
  19. Greetings,

    :mad: :manirw: :disgust: :ugh:


    :ayb: :samuria: :ninja: :moss: :hi: :groovy:
  20. Great Dane


    Is Winter mad about something?

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