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Lol Israel!!

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mtx, 10 Jan 2002.

  1. Great Dane


    Of course dancing in the streets with AK-47 is a non threating action in any culture :rolleyes:
  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    I think Jesus Christ said He was the only way to the Father. So evidently Ghandi either hadn't read that Jesus said that, or he didn't believe Jesus. Not sure which. But if Ghandi believed Jesus was an incarnation of God, then Jesus saying He was the only way would have to mean that Ghandi felt He was telling the truth since God cannot lie. But Ghandi said Jesus wasn't the only way. :confused: Interesting...

    KO, is the distinction between religious Israelis and non religious Israelis in how the terms Jewish and Hebrew is used? I think being Jewish is being of the faith, while being Hebrew is of the bloodline? Not sure...

  3. Its actually all Russia's fault, if they hadn't made the AK-47 there would be world peace.

    You could by an AK-47 on the streets in South Africa a couple years ago for 50 Rand, which at the time was about 7 U.S. Dollars. :/

    KO, what I was trying to say is that everybody makes it a Religious issue, but I think its a lot more cultural than religious. I don't remember good now, but when we were learning about Isreal being formed, I though only around 40% of the Jews were
    religious. But its been about 4 years and mi memory isn't what it once was :/

    Anywho, I recommend the book, the guy spoke at UD, very interesting man.

    The whole problem is a lack of tolerance. Fanatics by definition are non tolerant. Rodney King said it best, "Can't we all just get along?"
  4. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I was a 13 FOX Dane. So I can tell you that there is a BIG difference between an artillery shell and an AK-47. I don't know what kind of shell was shot but I can say that I've watched half a hill explode. The really scary part is that if you see a howzer fire you can actually track the shell as it heads towards the target.

    But lets be fair. Lets both go to Fort Sill and you sit in the field with an AK-47 and I'll give a howzer your grid location. You start dancing and I bet I can have that shell smack down within 15 feet of you. :cool:
  5. Great Dane


    See that's where it all get's confusing Mani.

    They all said that there is only one way to God.

    Moses set forth the laws of God for the Jews, and that was the only way.

    Then Jesus came and he set down a new set of laws and said That was the only way.

    Then Mohhamad came and said it was the only way.

    Then an Angel came to Joe Smith and told him a new set of rules that was the only way.

    If you really want to be current on the word of God, then shouldn't we all be Morman? After all the last person to have claimed to be spoken to by God, and started a large religion was Joe Smith.

    That's the point. If God, is all powerful, and is a loving God and forgiving God, then who are we as mortals men to even begin to say who has, and who has not found God? Who are we to say that Joe Smith was a heritic, and that Angels really didn't speak to him?

    One thing is clear through all religions and that is the 10 commandments. One thing that all religions are guilty of is breaking the 10 comandments.

    Maybe, just maybe God keeps coming around and reiterating the rules so that we as stupid humans can get it right.

    Just like I said before, all that people argue about is when God stoped talking to them. I ask you then, why would God stop talking to you? Why would he forsake anyone on the planet that beleived in him? He wouldn't. It's just he is spending his time talking to the people that just haven't goten it yet. No need to talk to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, or Mormons. They have heard his word and found a way to get to him.
  6. Great Dane



    I am not trying to disscount anyones religous views.

    All the worlds religions teach the same thing. We as people are often times too stupid to accept that.
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Dane is defying my beliefs. We must all raise arms and kill him! :D
  8. Mani,

    I don't know if Ghandi believed all the teachings of Jesus, I know he respected some. All I know is that the Hindu religion is very tolerant of other religions and it is easily possible to work Christian beliefs and teachinging into Hindu teachings if you so choose.

    But no, Jesus, as the one and only possible way to God would not be one of the things they believe. But that is the fundamental problem that has caused all these religious wars, people believing that their religion is the "right" one.

    I have had a very interesting religious journy in my life, it has always been something that facinated me. Interesting story from my point of view but long and probably booring for most. Being a more logical thinker, faith has always been one of the most amazing human virtues to me. But like anything, humans find a way to turn something beautiful into something evil.

    Anywho, I don't want to get any facts wrong, I was just comment on what Dane had said. There are many people who think along the same lines as Dane's little story.

    I mean the interesting thing is this. Why do some people believe that their religion is right? Is it because they have experienced the loving and beauty and true magisty that only their religion can provide? Have they experienced some miricle that has proved to them that they are "correct". Or is it the fact that they have been brought up since birth, exposed to only one religion, and never had the desire to objectivly evalute other faiths? I mean if Jesus is the only way to go, why are there a billion Muslims that say Islam is the way to go?

    I'm with Dane, we are all striving for the same thing, toward the same goal. How you get there is your business. As long as it makes you happy, and it helps to ease the suffering of others, then it is fine by me. But now we are getting into Budhism :D (you all know that Buddha wasn't fat, right? :) ).
  9. Dane,

    You continue to amaze me, you think you know a guy...

    Lol, i'm amazed that we seem to agree so much....well except the part about God being a guy :D
  10. To My understanding Hebrew is the language and being Jewish is of Faith. I and anyone who was born a Jew doesnt officially become a jew until 8 Days after Birth in which they have a Briss on that Day a child becoms a Jew and is always one for life no matter what he or she does.

    Oh BTW you also get your 1st taste of Alcohol on that day, this happens just b4 the Moyal cuts that special forskin off :D.

    Oh MTX they were still provoked and only retaliated for there neighbors to the West, which I have no guilt for them doing so :)

    Just remind yourself of those people jumping out of that building and thats enough for me to get sickend by these freeks!
  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Oh no I'm not saying I condone what they did. Dane just asked for an inncodent and I provided one. Trust me I felt no mercy for those bastards when Israel started shelling them. Infact it made me realize how loyal of an allie they are to us.

    That's why I respect their military so much. They don't fuck around with polotics as much as our military does. They just go out and get the job done.
  12. The German army didn't fuck around either, they just went out and got the job done. Doesn't mean its the right thing to do. :|
  13. Great Dane


    KO asked for it not for me.


    I have done some, but not extensive research on the worlds religions. I have not done this to gain spirtual enlightenment, or even to find God. I have done so becuase I like these sorts of religious debates.

    I take special joy in pointing out the holes in other peoples religious beleifs. Especially the ones that are so consumed by them that they tell me what I beleave is heresay without ever having read any of the books that I have. Most people tend to jump onto the first religion that they find. Weather that was the one they were born into or the one that helped them out durring times of trouble in there lives. They do not ever take the time to uderstand or apreciate other religions.

    I have no problem with that. That's how it should work. I will however not tolerate uneduacted people that go around trying to convert me to everything from Scientology (I could go on for hours about those nut jobs) to Christanity (I am a babtised Chatolic yet they still think I need to be reborn or what ever).

    Knowlege is power. The more I know the better off I am. Funny thing is, even though I wasn't looking for it I have become somewhat enlightened durring my journey.
  14. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    We do NOT live in the "right" world. We live in the real world where ethics and morals don't always exist. Just because it's not right or fair to YOU doesn't mean you get to dictate how it should be. That's one thing about us Americans that much of the world hates. We think because we are the most powerful nation on Earth that we can control the world. Well we can't. We don't live there and go through what they do so who are we to tell them what right and wrong are?
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  16. lol, that's a hole different debate mtx, maybe in a different thread.

    I don't live in a dream world I live in the real world too.

    But when you say we should kill all palestinians because 20 or 50 or 1000 of them are dancing in the streets after 9/11, you are ignoring the fact that there are about 3 million that weren't.

    Its like saying we should kill all the people in Nevada (or whatever state that was) because some ass hole went to work and said he was glad that 9/11 happened.

    I have no tolerance for terrorists, kill them, torture them, burn them, I don't care. But you have to act on a higher moral, ethical group in making sure they are terrorists, else you are no better than them.

    But lets get our groupings right, we can kill all the members of Hammas and the Islamic Jihad, but lets try not to talk about nuking an entire culture, even if it seems like they all hate us.

    But MTX, I really do understand how shitty this world is and how bad things will always happen. I know that there are never easy answers and good solutions often don't work out. But that still doesn't mean I need to give in and lose hope. We can at least try to be the more civil and ethical, even if if doesn't always workout.
  17. Great Dane


    I'm calling the FBI and telling them that one of the Hamma's lives near Boston and they are gonna get him!!!!!!
  18. :rolleyes:

    Now that is the Dane I know and love.......sexually. :gayzer:
  19. Great Dane


  20. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Well Rayzer..

    *reads Rayzers last reply*


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