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LOTR Online beta signup

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by DonkeySmiler, 10 May 2006.

  1. sweet cant wait for 3 o clock then haha
  2. okay i am downloading the beta thingy now, but i might need some help setting it up, i am hoping someone will be able to later on maybe :) i will hop on ts and bug ya'll if you dont mind!
  3. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    No invite here. :(
  4. Me either:(
  5. okay i am having problems getting it to download, actually i can get it downloaded, but it wont open... any ideas or help ???

    i tried using one of them downloader thingies the first two times, went back took everything off and am just doing it the old fashioned way and crossing my fingers... any other advice or anyone i can harass later on would be greatly appreciated

  6. Nor I.

    What's the Subject line say so we can check our Spam boxes?
  7. says *Your Beta invitation for The Lord of the Rings Online(tm): Shadows of Angmar(tm) Beta Program

    and its from Turbine!
  8. Tbeast

    Tbeast Recruitment Officer Officer Elder

    havent gotten one yet....maybe in a few days :)

    that way they have some more bugs worked out also
  9. ya like the mig your a noob and cant download it bug??? :)
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    From LotroAccountSupport@turbine.com as well

    Mig the file should just pop up a progress bar the first time and run for a few mins. :D Dont get to excited, patch is a long time too. :p
  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Okay, I have realized that I most likely deleted the email. So it would appear that Manitou will not be participating in the beta. :cry:

    Oh well, I will let you guys and gals be my experience. Just let me know if it is worth buying or not. ;)
  12. Ya dont think im in this one either, have fun all and let us know if ya really like it.
  13. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I got the invite, but no sense downloading it until I get the new machine up and running.
  14. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    *Cough*So I was only able to play for a few hours today, but that game seems interesting. The introduction instance quest is really well done and allows the player to immerse himself/herself into the game. One thing I like is that I don't have the feeling of emptiness like I do in a lot of the MMOs I have played before. Most of the time it is just "here is how to use the controls, now go and randomly kill 50 rabbits and I will give you a pair of shoes" until the end of the game. The quests (of which I have done so far) all have some sort of story behind them, which gives the feeling of progression.

    I also like how there is always some type of music playing, it is much better than having to listen to nothing but the footsteps and the grunts from my character.

    So far I am liking it, but I definitely need more time to see just how good it is.

    Wow, that was a bad coughing fit right there.
  15. so i got my *problems* figured out :) is there a way to hook up with people?
    like that we know? :) (uhmm.. you guys) :)
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Well my name is Hamma in the game (creative, I know) I also formed Dragon Wolves hehe.

    So far the game is ok - I am not too impressed but I am going to play it some more, see how I like it. I am an Elf Hunter - level 6 I think. :D *more coughing* Another thing thats cool is that as you advance through quests some of them affect the actual persistant world for you. For example, we did a quest that was a small instance - after we got through it the main city we started at was burnt to the ground - for all the newbs around us though it was the same town. *cough*
  17. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    That is kind of a weird concept..... so the the town is burned on your screen.... but noobs are still running around seeing the regular town asking stuff like "Where iz da leatherwerker!11!1?!?" ?

  18. I started an Elf Minstrel named Brumskii
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Indeed :lol:

    Essentially it seems all the same NPC's are there - but there is the addition of a few, some of the buildings are burnt down and some are smoking. Also - somehow the NPC mobs outside of the town changed to higher level aggro mobs. Dunno how they do it.. but it is interesting. Then, a farm we were questing at was all of a sudden infested with spiders..

    Kind of different.
  20. actually you advanced in the game and left the "newby" zone i believe.. i participated in that same quest and people i saw before were not there after. It's an interesting game i'll give it that. i think the hunters are a little over powered. i have a level 8 hunter and i can kill things 2 levels above me easy

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