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Middle-Earth Online

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Manitou, 13 Aug 2004.

  1. I've been looking into this and so far...this looks to be heading in the right direction but I think a LOT of poeple are going to be dissapointed in this game.

    The problem lies with the fact that you aren't going to be able to interact with the fellowship. you can meet others like elrond and so forth but never the fellowship. the only areas that you are going to start out with is eriador with only encompasses bree, hobiton, misty mountains and the north lands. nothing like gondor, mordor, mirkwood, or rohan as of yet(probably slotted for later x-pack). So if your keen interest in this game is to help the fellowship on there merry way or to "interact" with the storyline its not going to be much. Accually the most that I am expecting on this is to be able to just live/see middle earth.

    The game has nice graphics from what I have seen so far but more importantly it seems to have a great skill system to it. I played Eve online for a bit and as far as learning things as time based....Eve worked really well. So I think that this (which appears to be a combination of time-based and regular skill system) will work great. I am not too keen on the thought of the economic system....I am quite eager to see what they mean by the Elvin "gifting system".

    All and all looks quite good.
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    I think it's a good thing that people can't go and speak with members of the fellowship; it's not like everyone on middle earth knew of what was going on. Having the characters in the game would most likely end up with tons of people following or camping around the characters, which would definitely make the game lose the feel of Middle Earth. As you said, the point of this game is to see and live in Middle Earth, not to follow in the footsteps of the heroes.
  3. BINGO!! but the thing is I think a lot of people will be dissappointed in the game because of this but IMO that makes it all the better :)

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