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Star Citizen

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Khorneholio, 6 Jul 2013.

  1. $19,000,000!

    Actually not yet :) but as I post this we are $80,000 from that mark, sooo likely to happen within the next 48 hours.
  2. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    So what happens then?
  3. At 19 mil we get
    • Know your foe with a Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual free in PDF form to all pledgers.
    • Manage Space Stations – Players will compete to own and operate a limited number of space stations across the galaxy.
    • RSI Museum will air monthly, with a new game featured each time!

    20mil we get

    • First person combat on select lawless planets. Don’t just battle on space stations and platforms… take the fight to the ground!

    20 mil is the finally sum they asked for to be able to fully develop the game, anything after that is anyones guess.
  4. 21 Million - Personal Handjob/Flapjack dispensing R2D2 style droid for your ship.

    22 Million - Darth Vader makes a cameo from his vacation house on Terra.

    23 Million - Want to be a jedi? Well now you can, because everyone is a jedi!

    24 Million - Not afraid of the NSA enough? Now Star Citizen will feature it's own NSA, called RAYS (Reading All Your Shit), that will hack and bug everything from your bank account to your ship hard drive!

    25 Million - [​IMG]
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. $19,000,000 hit exactly 7 days from the 18mil mark.
  7. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I can't wait for the dildos.
  8. I'm tempted to attribute that quote to you in my sig from now on...
  9. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer


    I need a filter before posting these things.

    Or do I?
  10. It is frightening to know how the right author and franchise can just crowdfund all the way to release :jawdrop:

    For those who have puchased a Pledge Bundle or just a ship, a customisation fansite is now available here. Please note the site is in beta, so not all the options work yet.
    Last edited: 16 Sep 2013
  11. Next Strech Goal Announced :D


    The Short Version.


    Last edited: 17 Sep 2013
  12. Last edited: 17 Sep 2013
  13. I'm definitely down for that! :)
  14. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    I still have no idea what if like to do in this game. Salvaging/Exploring seem to be a fun time waster. Or perhaps making the heavens burn with hellfire is more to my liking.
  15. Just remeber it is a simulation, not really an MMO, there is no skills and no building your char up.

    And also remember death is a very serious thing in this game and piracy is super bad jojo, which will get you seriously blacklisted across the galaxy, not like eve where it can be a dumping ground for assholes. You would have to completely overwhelm and disable a ship, and board the ship and hop they don't put a cap in your forehead and permadeath your char.

    systems are very vast in this game and explorers and salvagers can sells their findings for cash, It is likely your going to need a salvage team to handle those large derelict capital ships ingame.

    Star Citizen is a Simulation not so much a game.
  16. Star Citizen isn't a simulation or a game, it is a way of life son -_-
  17. We should consider that just because there are pirate ships in the game, that doesn't mean boarding actions are restricted to piracy; there may be search-and-seizure missions available if players are bounty hunters, or even local militia groups.

    It's a shame there are no details yet on how much an Idris Corvette would be - though it could only carry 100 tonnes or cargo before attaching modules, that's still a lot of haulage with some hardpoints available should the vessel be attacked.
  18. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Its a lot of cash, like $5000.
  19. I think that is just for the pledge package, which comes with the Idris-P, which is the military version of the Idris. Right now as a backer ship, you can buy an Idris from 1000-1300 I think, they are trading the backer pledged ships that were already bought like a year ago before they stopped selling them, so you have to go on a waiting list.

    I can't remember where, but there was a dev post somewhere that the ships in came will be available to buy with a healthy amount of grinding for it. The Constillation was billed at something like two weeks of solid grinding (Not spending money on anything else, doing lots of missions and such everyday, ect). The Idris I thought they said would be something like a month or two of credit saving and such, but this is all hypothetical at this point, just the ideas the devs say in random posts -_-
  20. 3 days and we are already 20% of the way to 20mil, I am curious how much money this game will net before they stop taking donations lol.

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