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State of the EVE union address..

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 12 Jul 2006.

  1. yeah...its really blown up in the last 12 months it seems like
  2. This game continues to pique my curiosity. Is it fun? or more of a grind?
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Depends on a lot of circumstances. My friend Jason started playing with us a couple months ago.. Started out doing missions and learning the game, basic stuff. It helped him being supported financially by me, as he trained up his skills. We've now moved out into extremely low security space with others, and he's making money hand over fist; waiting the necessary time for his skills to train up. Currently he's doing some grind-like work to get materials to make his first battleship; which will allow him to go after larger "mobs" (WoW terms there) and make him more self sufficient. If you want pvp, low sec space is the place to be.

    So technically in 2 months he's gone from the basic stuff to the more advanced content, with pvp anytime he wants it.

    Its vastly different from WoW. In some ways richer, more tactical, and rewarding. In other ways it can be more frustrating and slower paced. (i.e. if you get destroyed you lose your ship, and have to start over again, unlike Wow where you lose nothing for pvping)

    Support of others is paramount in EVE, especially when you get closer to the more complex elements of the game (corporations, large ships, making lots of $$$)

    Questing and farming is replaced by mining and hunting AI pirates in system belts. Raiding over and over again is replaced by large corporate wars and pvp'ing.. While the basics are similar (grinding sort of) the "end game" stuff in EVE is vastly different than WoW. More satisfying IMO
  4. so dying is absolutely devastating in EVE, I imagine. That's not very forgiving at all.
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yes it is, especially at the higher levels :eek: You stand to loose millions.

    However you can buy insurance for it.
  6. Dying can be devastating...but not if u are smart; especially in the early game.

    Every ship that you own, with only a few exceptions w/regards to more advance ships and capital ships which are usually owned by corporations due to there extreme costs anyway, can be insured. You can buy various levels of insurance on your vessel, up to 100% replacement cost coverage. This will only cover the cost of the vessel, however, not the cost of the components that you have installed on the ship.

    When your ship blows up, you don't actually die. You exist inside of a pod, and operate the ship from within this pod. Upon the explosion of your ship, your pod is automatically ejected, keeping u alive.

    Now if u are doing pvp in 0.0 sec space, and especially if u are involved in corp/alliance wars, your pod may be and probably will be targeted and destroyed. Being 'poded' is not the end of the world, however, as you can purchase various levels of clones that will maintain your skills for you upon the chance of your untimely demise.

    If you have a clone purchased to cover your skill point total, the only thing you risk by being pod'd is the loss of any implants you might have installed. Implants boost various things including attributes, ship maneuverability, to shield boosting. These are lost upon your death and nothing can be done about it. By and large most pvp'ers don't bother with installing implants due to their large financial investment and the lack of ability to insure them.

    If u are killed by a rat (npc pirate, i.e. mob) they will never target your pod and are therefore safe.

    In conclusion ;) , you can keep from being hurt too badly by death by -

    1) maintaining up-to-date clones (not a large financial investment until you've been in game for a looong time)
    2) insuring your vessels to the fullest extent
    3) not living beyond your means, i.e. not flying ships you can't afford to lose, not buying modules you can't afford to lose, and not spending gobs on implants that you can't replace or insure
  7. but as you grow, your earning power increases proportionate (roughly) to your risk/loss level.
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Not really.. Chances are if you can afford a battleship you can make your money back for it quite quickly. That or the minerals you'd need to mine and refine are already out there. Its like the difference in trying to earn money as a miner in WoW and in EvE. If you have high mining skill but never leave Goldshire, you'll see nothing but copper. You'll make very little money and get nowhere. In EVE if you're mining/hunting in low security the danger is higher, but so is the payout. A battleship would cost you around 100 million credits in the game. Being out in low security space, properly equipped and supported (providing you avoid direct pvp) you can make that money easily in a week. Insurance also helps to cover costs if you get hit.

    WoW is somewhat unrealistic though in the sense that you lose nothing for fighting. They seem to like that system, which is fine. Though having consequence for fighting makes people chooose their fights a bit more carefully..
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    You guys are making me want to get back into it. :p
  10. if we have enough people who take it seriously I'd definitely give it a try. I've been itching for another decent space-type game. I miss the days of freespace
  11. Hey Asp...if i joined up w/primal elements...would u happen to know if anyone w/them or with KOS would have a covetor available for purchase out in 0.0? if i went out there....i'd rather not have to fly that beast...i seriously doubt i could make the trip intact
    Last edited: 12 Aug 2006
  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I was working on getting a Ferox when I put my acct on hold. Still had like 15 mill to go though :( was getting tiring.
  13. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I just looked in the local market Aeternus and there's a covertor for 40 mil out here.. I'm not sure if anyone in PE can make one, but I can ask.. Not sure if 40 mil is too much for a covertor, but there you go. KOS is supposed to have a policy about gouging within the alliance prices.

    Its rough getting out here, but I have a set of instas for all around Wicked Creek, Insmother, and the route in from Uanzin (system). You do have to worry about pirates who usually camp the gates in that area, but they usually send patrols out to take care of that if there's trouble.

    Also best bet to move anything you actually want to take out to Uanzin first, before joining the corp. The safest path out to Wicked Creek is through Amarr space, which is Red Alliance home turf. Best to flag yourself potentially for war once you're actually out here :)
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Money's not really that big an object once you're out here Hamma, we can get you setup :) Though once you're out here, you'll find you need a battleship in short order :)
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Yea all I was doing while in game was picking a new skill then whoring on pirates constantly. And not really getting any good payout for the missions or bounties. :mad:
  16. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    skill training is the most important part.. once you get the necessary skills to survive 0.0, money starts to roll in and its more fun over all.. get cheap ships (frigates) and you can even do some low risk pvp.. make sure you take the skill for jump clones eventually too, so you can leave a clone in empire and one out in 0.0 at least.. If you do come out though, make sure you transfer your "insured clone" out to 0.0, otherwise you'll die and end up back out in empire and have to make the trip in again
  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    It was boring as hell doing the same old missions over and over and over :( I will have to figure all that out when I decide to return :lol: Now isn't a good time, wont get much time to play with some folks visiting.
  18. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    i downloaded and started and will be starting a fresh character again :p
  19. post your char name and i'll wire u a bit of start up isk if u like
  20. yeah...bah hum bug on missions...all they are really good for is faction standing for faction ships & implants...they have their place i suppose as such...but you can't (well...i can't) enjoy the game if that's all u do

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