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STO Video

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Daleon, 25 Aug 2009.

  1. i'm hoping to take quick peak during open beta, but i'm not too impressed with what I read concerning pvp, so i'll probably not get a sub, despite being rather excited about a ST MMO
  2. First night of open beta got off to a very rough start. Server was getting killed. Lots of lag causing lots of bugs. They brought server down for a couple hrs, patched, and suprisigly everything was much better.

    Saw a few new features added since CB ended. Started getting more ship weapon drops which is nice. Missions and group instancing is working a little better. Good to see things improving. Game is still a little more space combat heavy that I would like. It is mostly played with kb and your fingers can get really tired after a few hours of ship battles.
  3. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Any additional impressions after patches and such?
  4. They just put a new patch on that has a number of nice fixes, improvements to the UI, etc. Will play around with it some tonight. Overall though there just is not enough there to make it very worthwhile. Basically comes down to 3 classes with fairly boring and dull skills lists. Repetitive combat. Completely lacks the deep space immersion you get in EvE.

    It will mostly come down to the RP'ers and hard core Trekkers if this game makes it or not. If it meets their needs it'll survive. If it survives long enough to fix some of the problems it might be nice in a year or two.
  5. The head start appears to be going well. Auth servers took a dump right off but they got those fixed. Was able to get through character creator and tutorial fast with no lag, bugs, or visual errors.

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