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Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Praetor-Vong, 12 Dec 2002.

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  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon


    *plays Vice City*
  2. Interesting:

    Once again, too dumb to figure out a relevant term. No one is sad for me, I certainly am not sad for myself. I bet you'd love to believe it so, but sorry.. No.

    Again, too dumb to figure out a relevant term. While I was in CDL, our record was WINNING. Meaning, more W than L. Can you say the same? While I led previous teams to CDL the record was winning. Can you say the same? When I left CDL I was in a team that had a winning record.. Again, what can you say? When I came back to CDL, our record broke even 50/50.. Certain not LOSER like some others I might mention. And now that I'm in another team, again, winning record. Is your dick as short as your logic?

    Never lost, never will. I move on before it gets to that point. I'm assuming, based on experience, that you fit this description more than I. You can lay claim to being a LOSER, on a team with LOSSES. Can I? No, I don't remember a single time that i can remember LOSING more than winning. Thus, you are the loser. Thx.

    Now, let's look up your term:

    3. Lacking brightness or clearness, as a color. [R.]
    {Dumb ague}, or {Dumb chill}, a form of intermittent fever which has no well-defined ``chill.'' [U.S.]

    {Dumb animal}, any animal except man; -- usually restricted to a domestic quadruped; -- so called in contradistinction to man, who is a ``speaking animal.''

    {Dumb cane} (Bot.), a west Indian plant of the Arum family
    ({Dieffenbachia seguina}), which, when chewed, causes the
    tongue to swell, and destroys temporarily the power of

    adj 1: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity;
    "so dense he never understands anything I say to him";
    "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at
    classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly
    quick"- Thackeray; "dumb officials make some really
    dumb decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or
    being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow
    students" [syn: {dense}, {dim}, {dull}, {obtuse}, {slow}]

    I would say, definately dumb. Since I have never had a losing record.. And I've already proven this several times. But you are too DUMB to understand what I'm saying to you. All is fine in idiot land. I quit teams before i become a loser. You contirbute to loser teams. Notice a co-incidence here?

    Smurfs = Win.. Having more players than any other team = active. Smurfs = losers after you took over. Notice anything else? You took over, and smurfs = lose in terms of players. WHat else should we drag out of the past, hmm?
  3. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Everybody gets so stressed out around Christmas. You know I got a minidisk player for X-mas. They don't even make minidisks in America. (I opened some of my presents early) I gave it to my wife as a STFU and calm down gift.

    I dislike my wifes erratic mood swings. I think she's psychotic. I also think some people need to relax a bit. Where's talking about games that haven't hit the market yet. No, we're throwing definitions at eachother. No... we're just talking shit.

  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf


    High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem: the honor shown to a Nobel laureate.

    Good name; reputation.
    A source or cause of credit: was an honor to the profession.

    Glory or recognition; distinction.
    A mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction: the place of honor at the table.
    A military decoration.
    A title conferred for achievement.
    High rank.
    The dignity accorded to position: awed by the honor of his office.
    Great privilege: I have the honor to present the governor.
    Honor Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for certain officials, such as judges and mayors: Her Honor the Mayor.

    Principled uprightness of character; personal integrity.
    A code of integrity, dignity, and pride, chiefly among men, that was maintained in some societies, as in feudal Europe, by force of arms.
    A woman's chastity or reputation for chastity.
    honors Social courtesies offered to guests: did the honors at tea.
    Special recognition for unusual academic achievement: graduated with honors.
    A program of individual advanced study for exceptional students: planned to take honors in history.


    Entry: honor
    Definition: integrity
    Synonyms: character, chastity, courage, decency, fairness, goodness, honestness, honesty, incorruption, incorruptness, innocence, modesty, morality, morals, principles, probity, purity, rectitude, righteousness, trustworthiness, truthfulness, uprightness, virginity, virtue
    Concept: morality


    Sometimes we get wrapped up in our own emotional response to a situation/person/concept instead of remembering we as individuals have the option, no the responsibility, to act like people of honor so that those who may not come to that conclusion see what honor is all about.

    Step back and examine who and what you are and ask yourself if you were to come in here to this forum and read what was written you would claim it as yours.
  5. Sadly enough, I believe this is a concept now alien to some in CDL. Point your fingers, say what you will. Lay blame as you must. Even point the finger at me, oh no, how exciting. You will not see me cry about it, if its truth. I don't cower or hide from the obvious truth as some peeps like to do here. I do not ever remember the concept of honor being something anyone had to question before certain people joined this team. Now, please insert the obligatory whine by someone saying "CDL isn't like it was before and we can't point to the old way in Tribes 1 for any evidence".. Lame. Fact being shit worked before, and now it doesn't. Finger it out as you like. Whine about it as you like. Dont point at me, I'm not around nearly enough (1x a month) to screw it all up. You can also say I'm not around to fix it, either. While this is true, at least I know the ills of this team do not fall on my shoulders. To those of you who deny that the problems of CDL are yours, I can only say.. Who else? Let's pass the buck to the point of extreem stupidity, and it might land on someone expendable? Pfft.

    Am I a l33tist asshole for putting myself above others? Wah. Teamwork is not about 1 for all, all for 1. Teamwork is not socialism. Teamwork is not soviet russia. It is only about working to a common goal. There are people who stand out, stand above, in every team. What determines a good team are those who fall in proper places. Some people here lack the ability to grasp their proper place in the overall scheme. Obviously if someone has poor leadership skills, they should not be in that position of leadership. I certainly do not speak about Manitou, he's proven himself to me over time.. He is a people person, and that is what he does. Unfortunately, this leads him to be abused at times and I watch, but say nothing.. What can I say, he wants to please people. Those of you who shit on him and this team.. Some ppl who think they have total power and foolishly believe they are smart enough to use it. I say, plz, and step the f&#@ off.. I think some ppl are way too happy with their power trip. We can beat the issue into the ground.. But dead forums are dead forums. A dead website is a dead website. You can argue your way around it a million different times, but the fact doesn't change. The truth hurts. Maybe you can ban me from IRC again for speaking the truth, worked for you before. You can band together as a merry little group and try to flame me. I think some of you have learned by now, it doesn't work.. I honestly don't care, nor will I stop.

    I point to Doomhawk & that DAoC crew as a solitary example of shit that does work around here.. And other power hungry fagmos who aren't part of that, as being a serious piece of the problem. I gave up my officer spot a while back, as a show of unity, even when we as a team had our act together. I gave it up to let new guys take my place. I understood that change was a good thing, it just didn't work out as it should have. Now, as a team, we are screwed beyond all repair at lest in the realm of FPS games.. But I see nothing but greedy llamas holding on to their IRC admins, ops and website whoring as hard as they can.. The same peeps who caused us to fall so heartily out of T2, a game we could have done more with.. Peeps refusing to let go. I am considering joining DH and that DAoC crew full time. Cuz that's a CDL organization that has it's act together. Yet so many of these 'kewl IRC chat ban matahz' balk at the idea of joining your CDL friends in DAoC.. You're too good for that game.. But it's still OK to power whore the organization and try to bend it to your future retarded agenda's.. Nifty.

    I really could care less but.. Pretty pathetic, IMHO to see what has become.. The concept of team has been sucked out of this organization for such a long time, that it's hard to even see where it used to exist. There is a ray of light, but.. If teamwork in CDL sense is 3 guys getting together to flame someone, then.. Well, that's pretty sad, funny, pathetic, or worse. Simple enough, you are internet warriors, and nothing more. I live this shit every day IRL, something I am almost dead positive you would never have the guts for off your keyboard. Honor is standing up for what you say.. Definition aside, it's putting an idea ahead of yourself. It's about integrity. I LIVE THIS every day, advancing concepts beyond my own personal goals to achieve something great. At work, I live it.. I try to carry that over to my duty here in CDL. I clearly see that some of you have absolutely no idea what it means to behave in this manner. At this point in time I see nothing but ppl putting themselves ahead of CDL at CDL's expense and it's beginning to piss me off.
    Last edited: 17 Dec 2002
  6. quit posting definitions dictionary-english bad people. I already passed english make it stop.
  7. ...

    To be more Politically Correct; I will start by saying EVERYONE has a VALID point. By valid *I* (not dictionary) mean; it is an opinion that has merit to yourself and others. (How do you think 'legal/offical' definitions came about in the dictionary...)

    I will also state, that, if -CDL- members want to b*tch @ one another - please do so in the Private Forum.

    PlanetSide - was near the 'chop' on several occasions, and, if you know your gaming history - a title can be CUT at anytime before release or it could be released at BETA quality. These things have happened before.

    TRIBES3 If there is an 'official' announcement, you can bet dollars to dounughts that a Spec-Sheet (Design Doc) has already beed drawn up on it.

    I've got too much going on just now to allow these games to absorb much of my time.

    There are SO many factors in making a game. It could be two steps away from being the BEST game on the market and one small oversight could change the whole thing....(Personally, I think that Unreal Tourney could have been better and Unreal II could be better, and these are games Infogrames has produced. I'm just trying to have an open mind...)

  8. personaly i liked T2 wus it wut i expected well not realy but then agen if thay wanted more of the same then why not an expanchon pack??no we got a hole new game 50 bucks worth of game.not 25 for an X pack and i baleav it did stay on track the consept wus the same the styl wus the same.so it wus difrent boohoo .i think i liked it most beacus it wus harder to be eleatist in it not imposabal mined you but harder.could thay have dun the same thing whithout all the changes well yes but the it would of ben the same game and not T2 it would of ben Tx..and the question i still ask is if tribes wus so good why dident everybody go back to it. some did yes but many more stayd.it shere wusint the money for me he i buy a game and if it suks i dont play it.it wus simply the chaling T2 represented to me..i havint playd it latly beacus i got tyerd of all the fixing thay did and new mods that diludid the player base .now ill play it agen after Xmas and im shere ill still like it ..

    some free advise.play wutever game you like its yore life ,have fun doing it beacus if it isint fun its work and somebody beter be paying me to work....
  9. h0mi. The thing that amuses me most about you is how much time you spend explaining why you are the "better man" instead of spending your time <b>being</b> the "better man".

    If you truly were, you would have simply posted, "I apologize to Mani and to all, you are right, I should know better."

    Defending yourself doesn't take honor and courage, being the better man does. Any idiot can start or continue a fight, it takes strength and courage and honor to be able to walk away from a fight that is not needed. Don't kid yourself, none of these fights were needed.


    As a side note. Dane and Arglaar and Mani are now part of that DAOC CDL Family. You are more than welcome to join us. I believe you could definatly find a leadership challenge in the game. While it would take a month or two until you have a character than can perform in that role, I think you could do very well. But please note, we are very very happy playing DAOC. It is a fun game for us that some of us have invested over a year into. You and Dane could not ignore eachother there. So unless you settle your differences and become friends then become family again, I don't believe you would enjoy DAOC because he is there.

    The stupid thing about you and Dane is that the minute one or the other of you dissagrees with the smallest detail of what the other said, its all out war. Crap from two years ago is brought up. Forgive and <b>forget</b>. Until the two of you get over old wounds you will never move past it. At some point you have to get over the past and live in the now.

    For the love of god h0mi, don't make a 6 paragraph post explaining and justifying your actions. I am simply stating the facts as they are.
    Last edited: 17 Dec 2002
  10. Great Dane


  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I don't know why you guys bother arguing with Homo-Cide. In his mind he can never be wrong or do anything wrong.

    As he has already stated, he plays to win. He doesn't care about community or friends. Mani do you remember making that thread about how some players join clans to climb the ladder while others join clans play to have fun? Homo-Cide wants to climb the ladder. He doesn't give a rats ass about honor, integrity or anyother values the military has taught you. He is calling people fags, talking about the size of their dicks, and launching many other verbaly abuse words at people I thought were your friends.

    It's time you stop beings so passive and deal with this issue. It wont take care of itself. You think Homo-Cide is just going to stop?

    I play games to have fun. While winning is fun it isn't everything. Laughing with your friends is far more enjoyable than shallow victories. :D
  12. Screw it.. Lock this thread.. and get the pain over with......

    Nothing good is coming from it.
  13. You are right, and I have already stated like this 3x before in my time with the CDL with various posts. So what you are saying is NOTHING NEW. Manitou already knows this, I've talked to him in private for long times about my ideas on competition. Often times he choses not to listen, tho :)

    What is your point? Just as you would love to flame someone who plays a game like a sport.. I too, could sit here and speak volumes for ppl who have no other purpose than to come to a gaming forum on the internet to make friends. I'm not going to go there because it's not necessary. Everyone is free to choose what they want to do with thier time. You are no more holier in your stand than I am in mine.

    What do you know about honor, integrity? For that matter, you know absolutely nothing about me, at all. A person doesn't have to try and be friendly with every bart simpson and his dog to further the values of integrity with a team. Nor does one have to be pleasant with ppl who do not show proper respect. It's a fact of life, respect is earned. If you respect me, I will respect you. I don't care which way you choose to go with it, the choice is not mine to make.

    Do you really have any idea what it takes to make a winning team? Many hours of working together, sacrafacing for the team.. Giving yourself to the team and working with other people to make it happen. In the goal to become a winning team, friendships and bonds are formed that are stronger than any 'lets get a beer and sit here and play a game together'.. I'm sorry, but you really don't grasp the concept at all from what your posting now. Friends do not have to be life partners that you are married to for life, win or lose. Friends are easy to come by, and when it's time for a person to move on, friendships are just as easily terminated.
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

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