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"The Endless Fairy Tale"

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Manitou, 16 Jul 2003.

  1. ..army of the epeleptic monkeys...the monkeys
  2. approached the group. Vader, being a smart guy, pulled out the episode of pokemon that caused mass kids in japan to have seizures from the flashing pink blue white etc and defeated the monkeys. When the Ewok saw this, it...
  3. ...resulted in the head exploding. Little bits and pieces of Ewok rained down sending paniced Smurfs fleeing in....
  4. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    into little holes in the ground. Fearing that the incoming smurfs were actually invaders the gummy bears pumped up on gummyberry juice and PCP. The old gummybear grabbed his medallion and started chanting some sort of spell which caused...
  5. ...Willy Wonka to transform into something that would make Godzilla cringe in fear. With a deafening roar, GummyZilla went forth and....
  6. ..punched the giant Stay Puff Marshmallow man in the stomach! There was only one thing they could do to stop the gummyzilla.....the ghostbusters...
  7. ...but the Ghostbusters were nowhere to be found rather they were homeless with no jobs. After hearing this GummyZilla put the StayPuff man in position for a powerbomb. Just as he was set to drop StayPuff....
  8. ... a CyberDyne system T-900 unit materializes inside StayPuff and ...
  9. .."Jawwwn Cawnnnaa come with me if you want to live". The GummyZilla, confused, threw the StayPuff at the Cyberdine unit resulting in...
  10. a massive explosion of marshmellows. All the Staypuff could think was "OH NO, not again!" As the all the goo feel to the ground Vadar looked up and asked...
  11. ...where's the cream filling...and took out his frustration on the T-900 with his...
  12. ...corndog. While he was using the corndog, he...
  13. was also mad at the corndog too b/c when he was using it mustard driped on his stain proof pants but the pants were fake so he got a stain and.....
  14. ..his super-duper Evil Villain Pants from Wal Mart were ruined. Just as Vader was about to choke the T-900, in came Martha Stewart....
  15. Martha Stewart raised up her new book she wrote in jail and shouted "My book will surpass Hilary Clinton's by a mile!" Right after she said that, Bill Clinton walked in with...
  16. ...a box of the finest Cuban cigars. With a look of shock and dismay, Martha cleverly turned her book into a paper crochet...
  17. T-900 of her own. It backfired though and turned around a killed...
  18. ....every single Munchkin marching in the "Little Peoples Parade". The mass carnage was too much even for Freddy Krueger to stomach who....
  19. Xypher

    Xypher Guest

    ...whipped out his copy of daikatana and slung it at the nearest...
  20. ...Jason fan in pure disgust. "Why I am more evil than he!" With the guantlet laid down he called upon....

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