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The Infamous.. WoW

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Strygun, 5 Apr 2004.

  1. My 52 (may be higher now, gave the account to a friend) ikky monk Zekurn is on Drinal. Along with my 48? enchanter Zimmer and 36? druid Swiftriver.
  2. me and my wife (breta )will probaly pick this up sins so many have left DAoC hope it lives up to its rep..im also guna be playing CoH alot so ill have to see how it gos.im looking at the druids myself but havint lookt at there forums reasently so ill have to see :)
  3. Even if it turns out the be the same old same old, I will buy it and play as long as there is ppl to play with.

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