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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. <-- English major and all around geek and nerd.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    /me sends out a call for all geeks/nerds to unite and kill all cool people
  3. Cast out line, reel in....

  4. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    English major? English is my worst subject ever; I would die if I majored in that. I'm thinking of either chemical engineer, or something with physics. Or I could be even more random and land a job working for a big game development company and write music for the games. Yeah I know my choices have little to do with each other, I might as well say "when I grow up I want to be an astronaut, or a fireman, or a caterpillar."
  5. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Chem Eng! :thumbsup:

    Physics... :disgust: I hated Physics...

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    physics for the win........if you like that sort of thing, chemistry was only fun because we got to see our teacher light her arm on fire for a demo
  7. If you go for the caterpillar, I think you should go for one of those really fat woolly catepillars.
  8. Go Libral Arts~!!!!
    That way, you can say "You want fries with that?", with varying inflection.


  9. Physics was my second choice of major :p.
  10. since im posting here now...gah..

    or that pissy little bitter actorwannabie who takes your order behind that condesinding smarmy smile who is expecting an additional 30% tip after already having gratuity taken out of your dinner check....
  11. *looks at test. twitches* Anger. Management.
  12. *pulls out shotgun*

    *shoots RaptorMax*

    Anger Management, Redneck style.

  13. Lunar

    Lunar Development Officer Officer

  14. ok...you should come and live in Michigan...you have more of a "redneck profile" than a southern redneck profile ;)
  15. That's a confusing proposition...

  16. Forgot to add:

    *puts gun down*

    *sits back in rocking chair with feet up on the rail, guzzling beer after beer*

    *tosses empty cans in the bed of the truck on blocks*
  17. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    why kaoz is so screwed up
  18. *fingers the mass of bloody holes in his flesh*

  19. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    Also forgot to add:

    *Plays "Dueling Banjos" while in rocking chair and guzzling beer*

    *yells to all passers by, especially city dwelling tourists, "Hug that tree and squeal like a pig!"*


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