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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. I am Dyslexic of Borg: "Prepare to have your ass laminated."


    ORANGE DragonWolf

    yes have some

  3. hahahaha......

    i dont' want to go to work....upside tho..i can pick up the new potter book...
  4. Oed


    Ever notice that the logo for Valvoline and the logo for Vagisil look the same?

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    now that you mention it....
  6. wow just when you thought no one HAD anything to talk about...Do they look the same? I kinda wanna google it now....be back to determine your lies
  7. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You posted here again! :mad:
  8. you guys have WAY too much time on your hands!!! or is that something else?
  9. You were right the time. The correct answer is 'time'. If it was 'something else' it would be "hand" not "hands".


  10. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  11. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    post here about how you hate hippies!
  12. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You are not supposed to post here! :mad:
  13. What's wrong with hippies??

  14. i take it that this thread shall never die ??? :)
  15. this thread should have a weekly bump contest to see who can get the best /bump :) i think shads won it last time! :)
  16. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    uhhh...... mig trying to add structure to this is like to trying to shape a work of art out of ice...it'll work for a little bit then it will melt away....besides I need someplace to whine about the $200 book I had to buy for a class that I'll only need to use it once in and on top of that it has the same content as a $60 programming book I had freshman year. I mean how friggen lame is that.
  17. Great Dane


    It's time for a history lesson....

    Once upon a time there were other forums people in the Tribes IX community visited. One of those forums was the Raging Angels forum, witch contained a thread entitled "Haiku". The idea was simple every post in that thread was supposed to be in Haiku form. It was started my Mavicator with this lovely little gem:

    Who eats all the pork
    Not pigs, for they are the source
    Of porkly goodness

    This "Haiku" thread was the longest thread in the IX community, untill another fun thread located in the Kegmasters forum overtook it. That thread was started by yours truely, and was entilted "Change of Pace". It asked the simple question:

    Brains for dinner, Brains for lunch, Brains for breakfast, Brains for brunch
    Brains at every single meal, why can't we have some guts?
    Brains are all we ever get, in this rotten fucking palce.
    Brains are all we ever get, why can't we have a change of pace?

    The idea of that thread was to post song lyrics, and the person that guessed them correctly got to post the next set of lyrics, and he thread grew to enormous proportions, eventully over taking the "haiku" thread as the longest in the community.

    Enter h0micide, and the -CDL- forum...

    Now back in IX -CDL- was pretty much acustomed to winning everything. The only place they lagged behind other clans was in forum activity. h0micide was determined to create the thread to end all threads. One that would beat both "Haiku" and "Change of Pace" in number of posts. His thread was called "The longest living thread ever" and it had no purpose. The only requirement to post in it was to keep it alive.

    That post did fairly well, but sadly never reached the heights of it' predessors "Haiku" and "Change of Pace". It may have some day reached it's goal and beat the others but it fell victem to an untimely death durring a period of time we shall call "The forum Upgrade"

    Now all this came about right around the time Tribes 2 hit the shelves and the CDL was growing ever larger. It was durring this time that a new recruit by the name of Rayzer joined our ranks. He had an uncanny knack for killing any and all threads he posted in.

    Once the new forums were installed and open for bussiness h0micide tried in vein to recreate his thread and started "The new longest living thread ever...", and Rayzer being the death to posts that he is created "The new fastest dying thread..."

    Ironicly, only one of these threads carries on today, and has surpassed all that came before it.

    Now that you know, the who, what, when, where, and why of this thread, I think it' time to honor Rayzers origonal intent, and let this thread pass into memory.


    Last edited: 1 Aug 2005

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