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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I call myself a "Collector" because I haven't "collected" them all. If I had I would be "Rich" and unfortunatly I am not rich.
  2. Great Dane


    Save the Whales!!!

    Collect the whole set!
  3. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Save the Jetfire toys. Donate $5 to MTX so he can put his daughter through college. She's a good girl.. she just has it rough. You know... sometimes we don't have the fruit and have to use ceral in her meals. :(
  4. Cost $50,000 to put me through college, not $5 :|

    If you need fruit for your daughter, sell a transformer :p

    We are planning on three kids....would like start college funds already, but saving for a house first :(
  5. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    MTX: Mom can I have some money to pay off my bills?

    2 weeks later $1000 for bills and $200 for christmas plus a box full of presents that costed $35 to ship.
  6. That was nice of her. Hope you sent her a thank you card.
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Kinda.. more like constant E-mail contact. Outside of the net I haven't talked to my mother sense she came down here and took my wife, daughter, and I to the military resort at Disneyworld. Trying to remember the name of that place. Something like "Shades of Green". Anyway it was a great trip. My cousin works for Disneyworld so she got us free passes that allowed us to enter all the parks without paying a dime. We went to Animal Kingdom, Epcot Center, Some Universal park. Had a lot really cool elevator ride and you had a drive in theatre to eat at. Went to the normal disneyworld park. That place was great. One day we ate at this restuarnt there. It was all you can eat and the food was good. They had the characters walking around the resturant playing with your kids. I have pictures of Winne the Pooh and Tiger coming up and playing with my daughter.

    The Jasmine characters I saw really didn't live up to the movie character. ;)

    They also had a cool character that I watched for 10 minutes. It was a woman in all white. She looked like a staute and would stand very still when you came up to here. Then when you went to take a picture she would suddenly pose. Saw a lot of people like that in San Fransisco but they were painted silver.
  8. Great Dane


    Your sig is busted.
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    No the site was down.
  10. Great Dane


  11. All better now.
  12. Great Dane


    Bouncing is good.
  13. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

  14. Where is that chick from anyway?
  15. Great Dane


    It's really a dude. We know how MTX loves his "Transformers"
  16. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Bah some people never play fighting games.
  17. Oh....that must be Ryu as a transformer :rolleyes:
  18. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

  19. Great Dane


    Naw, that chick is from Virtua Fighte or some crap.
  20. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    I've been using these sigs for the last 3000+ posts and no one has ever woundered where they came from?

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