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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. southernrebel

    southernrebel Dragon Wolf daughter

    lol wow someone else has a sense of humor 2

  2. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    My daughter has never seen real life nor experienced it. Realize we are conversing with a 16 year old here. :p
  3. Malone

    Malone Official Cow


    *Puts on dancing shoes*

    Uh huh.....I see you baby......shaking dat.......
  4. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    heheheheheh :D
  5. southernrebel

    southernrebel Dragon Wolf daughter

    what are u doin? cassi called u and they said u were tutorin someone. But she tryed to call u she is going to hannahs k well talkk to u later luv ya
  6. Actually I have a very good sense of humor.

    But I've also seen miles and miles of land where there are thousand and thousands of people where families are living in nothing but a 6X8 "house" made out of sheet metal. And they stick 5 or 6 of your closest relatives in them.

    It just makes a person think about whats really important sometimes.

    Yeah, I wasn't too concerned about such things at 16 either, but hell I'm only 23, at some point a person has to realize that somethings aren't as important as others.

    At somepoint you realize that what other people thing of you really doesn't mean anything. The sad part is, the popular kids don't realize that being popular doesn't matter in the great scheme of things, but equally sad is that the unpopular kids don't realize it either.

    Anywho I'm getting too philosophical here. Just some days one is a little more introspective than others. *sigh*

    Well shit if I can't post my ramblings in my own thread then what can a man do?
  7. Great Dane


    I had to quit coming to the forums and IRC for several days because all I wanted to do was spread the h8.

    and i still do.
  8. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Don't let the h8 consume you. Forgive those who have envoked your rage. Having grudges doesn't help you.

    It just isn't fair to yourself to remain angry.

    Forgive but never forget... I took the last donut. :p
  9. My highschool history teacher had a sign on her desk that said, "To Err is human, To Forgive is not my policy"

  10. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Come on we're supposed to trick him into forgiving so we can laugh at him latter.
  11. Great Dane


    " Fear is the path to the Dark Side; fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. "
  12. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    *As the soldier steps into heaven*

    One more soldier reporting sir. I've served my time in hell.

    Medal of honor?
  13. Farkin' A man, farkin' A. I'm 22 and I totally agree with Rayz's last two "philosophilcal" posts. :D
  14. Great Dane


    By the time your 28 you'll be jaded and cynical, and it's a lot more fun then being youthful and inexperienced.

  15. I'm already pretty damn cynical. Wish I wasn't :(
  16. I dunno, I just get a little thoughtful sometimes and it usually gets me depressed. But I still think I need to think about shit like that every once in a while. When you think your life sucks or you're worried about what other people think of you, you hear about some fucktard blowing up 19 people including kids on a bus. And you think about the families and what they are going through and all of a sudden it doesn't really matter if some dick at school thinks your cloths aren't the latest trend.

    I've always been on the philosophcal side. I also went through a very religious phase in highschool. Which lead me to questioning everything which lead me to being cynical too.

    Anywho, I was going to start talking about religion but I have work to do today so I won't get started :D

    "My name is Inigo Mantoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."
  17. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    The wise treaded the shallows while the young and unexperienced swam the deep only to be consumed by their own insignificants.

  18. How do you know this is not a dream that you have not woken up from?
  19. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Because I am tired.
  20. Great Dane


    Did you just say that because of current events, or did you read that 19 people really did get blown up on a bus today? I read your post, then I saw this http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/06/18/mideast.violence/index.html and i wondered if you were some sort of prophet or just informed.

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