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The new fastest dieing thread...

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Rayzer, 9 Sep 2001.

  1. Ok I just had to revive this for my 400th post...and to think, I must have had like 3 or 4000 before all the posts got wiped out last time. :evil:
  2. spamlarama!

    Just wanted to be part of this wonderful thread! :hi:
  3. posting here so i can be one of the cool kids.. :D :D
  4. You're not cool unless ya pee ya pants.
  5. If peein ya pants is cool, then call me miles davis!

    that movie rocks
  6. Shampoo is betta....
  7. You guys shouldn't be posting here.... geez....wait a .....

    Conditioner is better!!!......
  8. Stop now, while there's still hope!
  9. OMG this is a lot of Posts !!

    WOW this is a lot of Posts I have never seen anything like this my life.
    I'm sorry that I didnt have time to read many of the posts, but Man 115 is the most of any Forum in History :):rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  10. me > you

    Now stop posting in ma thread!

  11. Everquest threads on EQVault regularly reach over 1000 posts =) And believe it or not, lots of people read the whole damn thing =)
  12. Evercrack = the lose.
  13. Lol.. I hate it when people post random things in here to get their posts up. :twak:

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