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The Old Republic

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Asp, 15 Jun 2010.

  1. DonkeySmiler

    DonkeySmiler Eater of Gnomish Persons DragonWolf

    How is it? Not the most complex question I know, but I'm curious as to whether it is worth even trying. It seems like F2P games are getting better quality-wise these days, so a game has to be really good to entice me to open my wallet.
  2. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    I got into the Beta as well and all in all I enjoy the game play immensely. They diversity of each class and story line is immersive to be honest I can't pick a class I like more Republic or Empire. The crafting is interesting not at all tedious. Course I'm under a NDA but I really like the direction this game is going. Of course there is tons of lag issue but after all this is beta and they have tons of bugs and things to work out.
  3. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    While I haven't myself played the game at all, I'm getting more excited for it as it approaches.

    There does seem to be a lot more to the narrative aspect of the game than what you've grown used to with "quickly exiting the quest text and getting on with gathering/killing whatever amount you need to grind on" method.

    The classes do seem to have a lot of balance, which is great because the idea of a big jedi "creature feature" game would have been bad. I'm hoping there will be some world pvp as well as just battleground style. While I don't miss the ganking of the early days of WoW, I did always like the danger of open world pvp; and having battlegrounds from the start might have eased the annoyance of the gank a bit..

    Still, it looks interesting and I think we could get back that initial feel we had when we all started WoW. It was new, interesting, it hadn't become a virtual hamster wheel of grinding and raiding..
    Solidarity, brotherly love, all that..

    It's one of the things that I think hampered our attempts to revive WoW really. It was all old hat, only the new content made it interesting, we were like a sad 2 pack a day smoker trying to get that buzz back from when he first got hooked as a teenager; and forever being disappointed..

    I'm hopeful we can get at least a few people giving this a try. I think exploring a whole new game like this as a guild again will bring back a lot of what we lost in WoW. I get the feeling PS2 is still a while off as well, so we've certainly got time to give it a try unhindered.

    I'm looking forward to trying this out and getting the whole big family guild feeling going again.. Might want to get an idea of who is really considering picking this up.. I'm betting Bioware wont let the holidays slip by without releasing it, so it may only be a matter of months.. Decisions need to be made whether to fight for light or dark :)
  4. I pre-ordered the day it opened. Was no sense, even if I only play it for 6 months I have to play it.

    Got my beta invite last week also and downloading now. Definitely a tough choice on which side to play primarily. I really like the Trooper. The Bounty Hunter looks like fun. And the Sith Warrior looks better than the Jedi Knight to me.
  5. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    To be honest I can't pick my fav I have been playing my Smuggler alot.
  6. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Is there a good mix of character types around or mostly jedi/sith?
  7. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    4 types on each side which you can specialize to a certain path depending on the class.
  8. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Ya, I meant actually playing on the servers :lol:
  9. Finished the insane d\l about midnight last night and had to force myself to stop at 1:30 so I wouldn't be to tired today. Got a sith warrior up to lvl3.

    Fairly standard mmo fare for the most part. Can be a little hard to find quest turn ins but it gives you a reason to explore some.

    Still needs lots of small fixes and adjustments but overall stability was solid. Don't know if it was server performance but the physics seem like they could use some work.

    The voice acting is incredible. Bioware mixed in their decision making system very nicely. Feels much much MUCH more like a real RPG than any other MMO I've ever played.

    As soon as servers are up from maint plan to try out a BH and Trooper.
  10. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    Yes Asp there are tons of different classes running around other then just Jedi. Daleon if you having a hard time finding turn in use your map everything is shown on there not the mini map but the main map they have done a great job of overlaying it so you can use it while running around :D
  11. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

  12. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Video introducing Eternity Vault, one of ToR's high level dungeons.. Like a mini raid I suppose.. I like how these things are supposed to scale to your level and number of players apparently.. That and how everyone seems to get to do something, not just the whole group concentrating on a wave or particular mob.. Some attack turrets while others go after the spawning robots, and they have multiple people who can tank..

    <iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZJEaFi44dRw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    I love how they're going to have lots of options for open world pvp in the game as well.. Including apparently a whole planet that's open pvp.

    "We've talked about how we'll have open world PvP, we're going to have obviously PvP servers, various planets where you'll be able to fight each other, and on top of all that, open world PvP objectives. And, the first one we're talking about today is, welcome to the planet of Ilum. Ilum is a high-level planet. It is where, some of you might be familiar, the crystals that make lightsabers are, a valuable resource for the Empire and Republic and they have a vested interest in the planet, and so we have territory control going on. Now, so we have two different bases, each of these bases have various PvP defenses... armaments, you can take them and take down PvP defenses like turrets... and ultimately destroy the enemy's base."

    Video with a little bit more on the pvp planets..

    <object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VTgbKxnHIdw&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VTgbKxnHIdw&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
    Last edited: 29 Aug 2011
  13. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    I can tell you the group encounter feel just as epic as the solo ones I have been enjoy the game.
  14. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    I think I'm going to be happy with the whole "new community" feel to the game.. Everyone starts at zero and works up from there, helping each other through the basic content, not just the race through the new content to get to the new level cap and farm epics..

    That close knit feel we had experiencing the game as something new.
  15. Open beta weekends next week it looks like.

    Hopefully the build is better than the one we've been on. If anything its gotten worse since I started. More lag, getting stuck in cracks, lots of graphical errors, but the most annoying is loosing the ability to click with the mouse over and over and have to relog to fix, ugh. All likely due to load on the server from more testers but open weekends is really going to push them.

    Gotten all the classes to 10 except for Smuggler and Imp Agent and got JK Sentinel to 12. Its the only one I will likely push to 15 so I can get the first ship and test space combat some. I don't really like leveling to much in betas. I've already eaten up the "new fun" factor of the game as it is.

    The Sith inquisitor has been the biggest surprise. At least early on probably the most powerful and versatile class. The BH after a few levels really steps up in firepower pretty nicely and easily handles groups of +2.

    I'm hoping open world pvp works out well as I see that as my main end game interest most likely. I had hoped that you would be able to roam around enemy cities anonymously in this game. Since this isn't WoW where seeing an Orc walking around Stormwind would be an easy target it would be cool if you could just wear disguises and roam freely around any city without npcs\guards just automatically jumping you or your name in big red letters or info given when mousing over a player totally giving you away.

    That is how the real SW universe works. Good guys, bad guys, they all go everywhere. You never know who is who really. And ppl fight on the same sides constantly. With Jedi vs Jedi or Imperial's constantly killing each other. Until they can reproduce that it won't really be immersive to me.
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    I played on Jen's for a bit this past weekend and it was pretty fun. The immersion aspect was pretty good and the storyline actually felt epic as you made your way along. To me this was really key to a Star Wars MMO because all of the storylines were in fact epic.

    It had your standard MMO fare as well, gear, stats and all that jazz. The questing system is very nice and far more immersive with the voice acting.

    I somewhat agree with Daleon but realize that in order to do an MMO there has to be concessions. Game systems and such don't always jive with the real world stories that they are portraying. I think they have done a reasonable job with what they have done so far.

    In the end I still don't know if this is a buy for me, got far to much going on and I'm not so sure there is room for yet another MMORPG. I am pretty burnt out on them overall.
  17. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    Hamma liked it ;)
  18. Asp

    Asp Administrative Officer Officer

    Hamma's just trying to maintain what's left of his anti-WoW street cred.. :p
  19. Jennyboo

    Jennyboo Public Relations Officer Officer

    As I reminded him before he tried it this is not Wow I think he enjoyed it:p
  20. Everquest II had a bit of a mini-game for crafting. As you leveled up, you gained skills that allowed you to bipass or speedup the manual process of combing/cooking ingredients, but I thought it was fairly clever system.


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