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Theres no appropriate title

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. Actually, some of them where writing in different areas and at the same time, not knowing what the others were writing.
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Ok lets assume they were. It all had to come together somehow right? Who's to say when it came together someone didn't add their own lines in here and there to tie it together? There aren't timestamps and "Editied by" stamps on book pages. :D
  3. Nice thought Hamma,
    There is actual Historical proof of this. Ever heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls?

    Keep in mind these people didn't have newspapers or the internet to make sure each of their writings did not contradict each other's.

    We all have heard of the gossip game right?
    Where one person tells the next person what the previous person told them.
    By the time the last person tells the original person the story, it's not even close to the original.

    The Dead Sea Scrolls match the writings we have today, (I may be mistaken but I think I saw that they match within 98.5% word for word.

    I couldn't think how this could possible happen without a divine inspiration and intervention.
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Because life without a purpose isn't worth living. Now that is pretty harsh, you might say. But think about it: you may say you don't have a purpose, but in reality the very fact that you have a job, and are involved with this team proves that you feel a purpose for you here at least in these two aspects of your life. You are different from the next guy and that then begs the question, "why"? Because you are uniquely suited for whatever task you were put here for. If you use my axiom you are here because God put you here for a reason. That is why, in my mind, evolution is a poisoning axiom to start with - it steals away what I believe to be the real reason we are here. Evolution (abiogenesis) teaches we are nothing more than a chance or result of the roll of a cosmic die. That is why your next question forms in your head:

    Yes, they have a reason here as well, but it doesn't come anywhere close to the human race's reason. You have compared humans with animals before in the debate. You have said that we are on the same level as animals. I disagree here becaue, as I have stated, I am viewing this from a different axiom. Animals were created lower than human beings and don't have the same position as we do. (Now, before all the animal friends get excited, let me share quickly my views on this to clarify. :) Even though we are higher than the animals due to what I believe is God's special order of creation, we are fully charged to tend to them and be good stewards of the animal kingdon - they are to be our friends. As originally stated in the Bible in Genesis, humans were vegetarians as were the animals. There was no reason to kill one for food. Because of the rebellion of mankind, it affected all of creation and warped it from what it was meant to be. We are still to be good stewards of the animal kingdom, but that animosity remains and humans don't act towards our animal friends as they should.) But we are not the same and the value of a human being cannot be compared with that of an animal. Our reason for being here is different than an animals.

    Think about it: if you were placed here for a reason, isn't that exciting? It is to me, and I want to find out what my reason is so i can better fulfill it!

    See, you do have a stated purpose - live your own life. ;) But what if there is more? Mankind has struggled with the concept of life after death since he has walked this earth. Some of the greatest philosophers of all time have wrestled with this concept. There has to be something to it. What if there is more? Wouldn't you be the slightest bit curious to find out why, and what it meant to you? Wouldn't it change how you viewed things?
  5. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    No I do not feel I need to seek a purpose other than what I want to do with my own life. I create my own purpose. I don't believe I am here to fulfill some lame purpose that someone has put me here for. Especially someone whom is invisible and has never been proven nor seen by anyone.

    I'm pretty much done with this thread - it's apparent to me after reading it that nobody has the answer and everyone seeks their own. So I leave with a quote:

    "Behind every argument is someone's ignorance."


    This thread has run its course about 5 times over. :lol:
  6. I haven't looked here for 2 days and the PAGE count doubled. :eek:
    I'm not even going to ready the last 7 pages....I'm going to post in The new fastest dieing thread... to ensure that it stays ahead of this one~!

  7. But I think maybe I'll leave this parting comment...



  8. I think this is a better question.....


  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  10. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

  11. Hamma stands up in an empty room and says –

    “Hello, and welcome to Ban-a-holics anonymous.
    My name is Hamma, and….

    Oh yea…they’re all gone. I banned everyone.”

  12. Don't the Dead Sea Scrolls also include many other Gospils? Yet only 4 are in the Bible. The Bible wasn't written as a singular work, it was pulled together from many sources...by the Roman Catholic Church last I heard.

    The following is just a comment, not really meant for discussion but take it as you will:

    I have always found it amusing that "normal" people find it weird that I enjoy fantasy books. What do fantasy books encompass? Typically, knights, prophecy, magic, etc. People think you're crazy for being into that kind of stuff.

    But you put that same stuff into religion, all of a sudden it is something people are willing to die and kill for. Prophecy. The Bible contains a ton of prophecy. You know what that is? People being able to see the future. What do we call that today? A 900 number and a waste of money. Miracles. Jesus among others performed lots of miracles. You know what that is called today? Magic, and it doesn't exist. We won't even get into people coming back to life.

    The philosophical aspect of the Bibile is one thing, but the actual stories told. In any other context, you would consider people wackos for believing in such things.

    It just amuses my sense of irony that you can go from completely wacko to totally sane, simply by introducing religion into the equasion :p
    Last edited: 23 Mar 2006
  13. ... rayzer called jesus a magician..

  14. AND>>>>>>>>>> For my next Trick ill pulla Rabbit out of my Hat!
  15. Razyer,

    Big differnce between 900 numbers and God.
    Here it is.
    God knows the future. (There are over 458 prophecies in the Bible that have already come true.)

    The people at the end of the 900# lines don't.
    (If they did-why don't they use their magic to win the lottery or help sick people in hospitals?)

    Here's the difference-magic is a trick-something like a slide of hand.
    Miracles are something that are impossible to do without a supernatural
    intervention. You said it before-(Jesus among others performed lots of miracles.) According to your own words and the definition of miracles..-u just admitted that Jesus has supernatural power.
    By the way-(Do you know who those others where?)-let me give you a clue...
    Peter, John, Paul, just to name a couple.
    (Ya know what....-they where all followers of Jesus. They walked with Him and were taught by Him for 3 years) He is the one that told them they would perform miracles.)
    (Ya know what.... Looks like Jesus has the power to command miracles)
    Thanks for proving the point that Jesus is God. You did well=)
  16. ^^

    Exactly, completely wacko ideas become totally sane when you introduce religion ;)

    And Zabdiel, not to be mean, but you have the worst use of logic that I've ever seen.
  17. Your missing the point Rayzer:

    How can you possibly explain everyone of those prophecies in the Bible written hundreds of years prior to when they happened. It's not just one or two-we are talking hundreds. You can have no logical rebuttal to that because there isn't one.

    Deut 18:18-22

    I don't have all the answers, and don't claim to-but there is plenty of logical evidence to back up my claims, all kidding aside.
  18. Heh well if this is gonna stay around i might as well play too.....

    If i wrote down 100 things the were gonna happen and was given a few thousand years im sure there would be books filled with those events and how many times they had happened. That doesnt make me a prophet or a God.

    2000 was suppose to be the chiken little the sky is falling time , THE end of the World, but that hasnt happened.

    The Dead Sea scrolls were found yes, but they were as stated a complim entation of many writtings themselfs, they were not the Single copy and those who put all the info together were not the sole owners of this information. Hence we still had the knowledge and the other versions of the bible that are here with us today.

    Does any of this mean i dont believe in God?

    And if i dont Believe in God does that mean he Does'nt believe in me?

    If Christ Died for Mans sins then i guess it doesnt really matter ill have my place in Heaven or where ever i go as he sees fit.

    With all the religion we have in the world, each one has throughout history been used by the Church or Ruleing bodies to enforce Fear and submission.

    This fact is true, yet that does'nt make Religion bad for people, only the people who abused it.

    And Finally my personal Belief/feelings are that any religion or belief system that promotes postivity is ok by me. Enuff of the seperation,enuff of mines the right way yours is the wrong way.

    Until this world has enuff disaters or hopefully even a alien invasion to bring us together against a common enemy i dont think ill ever see peace in my lifetime.
    Last edited: 23 Mar 2006
  19. That is maybe the first decent discussion post you have made. (Edit: that's to Zab, Shads got in the way)

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most of the Bible's prophecies from the Old Testament and they come true in the New Testament? If so, it's not all that hard for the editor to make sure that things work out okay ;)

    And yes, I know about the end of the world ones :p

    Also, prophecies by their nature are amazingly vague and can ususally be interpreted in many ways. You'll never see a prophecy that says, "On March 30, 2006, at the corner of Wilson and James in Brookfield WI a Deer will cross the road and be hit by a Mini Van who's license plate it DEERKLR at 3:30pm."

    Now if someone said that, and that shit actually happened, I'd be impressed.

    Nostrodomous has also had hundreds of prophecies come true.
  20. Shadow-
    From the way you just wrote that-I do think you believe in God.

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