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Theres no appropriate title

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. Thanks, I appreciate that =)
  2. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I didn't choose to be born with brown eyes.

    I didn't choose to have a mother who spent the first two years of her life in an orphanage and was shunned as a bastard, and thought to be "retarded" and was abused sexually and physically by her stepfather.

    She was forced to stay outside of the homes of family because she was walking sin. She had to wait outside while her mother, stepfather and halfbrothers visited.

    I didn't choose this. It had a domino effect on my life.

    We are what we were made into.
  3. I never said it wasn't a good book. If someone chooses to believe everything they read within, thats their prerogative.

    What rebellion are you referring to? Mankind will never be united by a single set of religious beliefs. If you're insinuating that we're rebelling against religious guidlines and principles that were established over 2000 years ago, then yes, thats expected. The world has changed greatly since the time of the 10 commandments. What makes those laws more valid now than laws from the middle ages governing who could own land or a business?
  4. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Because He loves you.
    Are you saying that is bad or evil?
    All of this is the result of the initial rebellion of Mankind in the federal headship of Adam and Eve. The sin nature is handed down generation after generation.

    You did say it was "...a book, no different than any other...". My point is that it isn't just another book. But true, it is their prerogative. But I am saying that it isn't in blind faith that I believe this Book.
    Initially the one in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve the very first humans. But also corporately the rebellion of mankind against God.
  5. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I am saying I was punished for the color of my eyes.

    Judgement is handed down generation after generation. Judgement is the basis of all suffering, not sin.
  6. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    My interpretation of the bible's evolution (Hold on to your hats!)


    "Hey man I met this cool guy today who has some really amazing ideas that are different from what we know!"

    "Really? Let's go hang out with him"

    "Hey Guy's I am Jesus - check out all this cool stuff I know (all whislt drooling all over himself)"

    "WoW thats amazing!"

    *His beliefs contradict the authority thus he is crucified*

    "Onoes Jesus is dead! Lets celebrate his life! (diciples get drunk)"

    *Jesus's Body is stolen from tomb*

    Few years later

    "Hey man I met this cool guy today who has some really amazing ideas that are different from what we know!"

    "Really? Let's go hang out with him"

    "Hey Guy's I am Jesus - check out all this cool stuff I know (all whislt drooling all over himself)"

    "WoW thats amazing!"

    *His beliefs contradict the authority thus he is crucified*

    "Let's have dinner and drink together!"

    "Onoes Jesus is dead! Lets celebrate his life! (diciples get drunk)"

    *Jesus's Body is stolen from tomb*

    "Where did he go?!"

    Few years later

    "Hey man I met this cool guy today who has some really amazing ideas that are different from what we know!"

    "Really? Let's go hang out with him"

    "Hey Guy's I am Jesus - check out all this cool stuff I know (all whislt drooling all over himself)"

    "WoW thats amazing!"

    *His beliefs contradict the authority thus he is crucified*

    "Let's have dinner and drink together!"

    "Onoes Jesus is dead! Lets celebrate his life! (diciples get drunk)"

    *Jesus's Body is stolen from tomb*

    "(hungover Diciples) omg! He must have ressurected and moved on to escape this place!"

    And of course, this leads to our current day bible after a few hundred more years of writing.

    What is the bible? It is a great book, no denying one of the best ever. However it is comprised of Folklore and Myth. Just like Jack and the Beanstalk or Aesop's Fables. Why not worship the beanstalk? Why base your entire belief system on a book, which at best was written by men in their basements because they are bored. How can you put so much trust and faith into something written by an imperfect being such as man? (and dont give me the god told him to write it deal, Alcohol has told me to do alot of things.) Why believe life was created by god when nobody could have been there to see it? Why believe in something you cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt? It just doesn't add up.

    What do I believe? I believe nobody knows what happend at teh beginning of this earth, nor does anyone know what happens when you are dead other than people whom are already dead. Why waste my life away preparing for death or trying to figure out why I am here when I have my very own life to do with what I choose?

    Regardless of how we get here you have done an amazing job with what you have. You have 2 amazing and smart kids, you are an accomplished martial artist and.. even an amazing sculpter. I consider you a great friend and look up to you.
    Last edited: 28 Mar 2006
  7. I don't understand your reason for asking this. If you truly consider your presence on this earth a mistake, then I am doubly sorry for whoever or whatever convinced you of this, and again that as your friend I have been unable to change how you feel about yourself.

    Man has not rebelled against religion anymore now than in the past. The current rebellion stems from the lawsuit/corporate driven aim for a bland uniformity. In today's world, it is not acceptable to point out, make light of, or in any way identify any differences between individuals.
  8. <img src="http://images.despair.com/products/demotivators/compromise.jpg"/>
  9. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    hehe that's the problem with debating something like this, technicly nobody here is wrong.
  10. See that's the beautiful thing about america, rayzer. I have to respect the fact that people are allowed other views.. I don't really have to respect those views. =P
  11. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    First, this board needs a :hug: emote.

    Second, you're not a mistake. You are a truly, genuinely nice person, and a pleasure to spend time with. The rest of us should aspire to be more like you.
  12. the problem is hamma that whith many of the faithful if you are not of there faith you are rong no mater wut you say,do or act.

    in fact discussion can be a good thing but temperment is beter. know when to stop it, know when you are hurting the ones you love, know when yore views and there views are incompatable whith easchother ,know that there will be no winer,know when its time for a

  13. for test?
  14. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    You guys are so very sweet and I'm lucky to have you as my friends. I didn't do a good job of making my point so I hope you will forgive me if I try again.

    Originally Posted by Manitou
    God cannot make mistakes

    Then why did he make me?

    ...ok, now we're back on track. What I should have said is, "Why did he make me imperfect?"

    Now if God created everyone, has a flawless plan, everything that happens on this earth is in his flawless plan then he planned for your sister, cousin, mother or daughter to be raped -even gave the rapist a penis, a knife and an inferiority complex. He planned for children to be beaten. He planned countless murders and horrors that take place in this world daily. He planned for some of us to grow up hobbled by lack of self esteem and joy and then planned for us to suffer through our lives and take our anger out on others around us. He planned for high school kids to be taunted and tormented till one day they snap and show up with a machine gun and mow down their tormenters. We help make each other who we are -every murderer, rapist, thief...Why would he do this to us?

    Then he made himself vulnerable to us, who he created to be who we are, imperfect in every way; by sending his son down, whom was innocent and whom we judged and crucified in the most painful manner available. He forgave us for this, right? Because it wouldn't be right to expect someone to do something you wouldn't do yourself.

    He made you in his own image. The face of God is a reflection of your own face. On your judgement day, he will ask you to forgive him for making you imperfect and if you can forgive him, you will be forgiven for every pain you caused in your life. You will look into his face and it will be a mirror and your own forgiveness will glisten back at you.

    ...this is the only way I can make sense of that overthumped book, anyway.
  15. Oh no you didn't blame that on God, sista!! Clearly, that is the work of the devil!! (By Devil, I of course mean Video Games)


  16. ________________________________________________________________

    ...this is the only way I can make sense of that overthumped book, anyway.[/QUOTE]


    Have you read all of it?
  17. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Very few people read the entire bible. hehe
  18. That's very obvious =)
  19. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    It's the most boring book on the face of the planet and takes months upon months to read.

    Although I am bias - I don't like reading to begin with ;) But you really can't expect people to read the entire thing cover to cover.
  20. Yes, your right-it is a very hard read.
    Especially some of the first books.

    I tell people, instead of taking sleeping pills, they should read Leviticus.

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