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Theres no appropriate title

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. <img src="http://images.despair.com/products/demotivators/pretension.jpg" alt="Pretension" width="402" height="337">
  2. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    If you don't want to participate anymore then don't post :p
  3. tbo, buy a sense of humor imo
  4. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    You have reached your limit of acronyms per post.
  5. This one is good.

    This one too.
  6. Here ya go
  7. i know i said was done posting...but i just couldn't take it...plus i finally got on the puter at work..and its slow...

    because if you don't ask questions...how are you going to have answers? not just the people that believe your way because the damage is done there already...but you can see that your paper hasn't convinced many people here..maybe you need to ask questions too...and not go straight to the bible for reference...becase i have yet to find a bibliography in that book...

    and buddah v.s jesus...

    no comparison...buddism FTW...don't care who you believe in...don't care how you believe...but that you believe in something...and that something is what carries you thru to the next day and life...and i have yet to read about any crusades to save the souls of heathens performed by buddist...if ya know of any cases where the buddists performed acts of genocide (french crusades vs the cathars...look it up) to get people to believe a particular way and using the sword of their diety as a weapon...let me know...plz...

    the way of your god has been marred by many unfortunate and selfish people and acts...i will admit it will take along time for people to forget about the crusades, the witch burning (gimmie a frigg'n break), and the way the whole pedophile thing was handled...not sure if you are catholic or not...but this was all done for god...and in the eyes of your god...same god right? same book? today those same kind of people aren't fighting with swords and ballistas...its attorneys, govt funding, and new congressional laws...so you will excuse me if i find repeating history a bit annoying....

    edit--i put that french fry one as a screen saver at the dance company...apparently some people were offended...heh...
  8. Test-
    nope, not Catholic. Just a Christian.
    Do you know why the Crusades happened?
    That by no means excuses the wrongful behavior & what they did was wrong.
    I can't control the behavior of people in the past nor people in the present.. nor do I want to.
  9. Spot on. :)

    My reasons for studying Buddhism are personal.

  10. Muslim incursions into christian controlled sites, opression of christian pilgrams by muslims, a way for the church and christian governments at the time to give more nobels more lands perhaps? You can choose any reason for why the crusades happened, it was still a bunch of fanatics, or in the christian's case a bunch of convicts who were released conditionally by the pope, killing in the name of a god on both sides over cities related to that god.
  11. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Have you guys ever heard of this: http://www.bahaullah.com/bahaullah-writings-god-part1.html

    These poeple believe religion is evolving and that each time man is ready for more enlightenment, God summons a human being to bring religious revelations: Budha, Jesus, Mohammed and Bahá'u'lláh.

    I wasn't told until recently that this is the religion of my friend who died a few years ago. When I was driving out to his funeral I looked up in the sky and saw in the clouds: him sitting by a building on a city street, content looking, smoking a cigarette and the sun was piercing the clouds above him and I felt he wanted me to tell his daughter a message. "You shine on me."

    Then when I met up with his family, his mother read her speach outloud to practice before the service and in it she said, "Kevin said to look for him in the clouds."

    This is the funeral where all the animals showed up. The dog that comforted his daughter and sat with her for the service, the turtle that scraped his shell on the tombstones behind us just as I was about to cry but made me laugh instead; the birds, the dolphins...

    This is the funeral where I was sitting there on a hot day in high heels wishing I could just walk barefoot in the sand and it started raining when his mother got up to speak. Then it started pouring rain as the service ended and I had to run to my car. The soles of my shoes split open so there I was, running barefoot in the sand just as I had wished. Remember, Mani? I brought the shoes to your house to show you.
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Roger Miller wrote this many years ago....something to think about.

    The people in the city call me country
    because of how I walk and talk and smile

    Well I don't mind them laughin' in the city
    but the country folks all say I'm citified

    The fightin' men may say that I'm a coward
    because I never pushed no one around

    Gentle people call me troublemaker
    cause I'll always fight and stand my ground

    Funny I don't fit. Where have all the average people gone

    Some pious people point and call me sinner
    because to them I've never seen the light

    Other folks think of me as a preacher
    I'm just doin' what I think is right

    The wealthy people think that I am a hobo
    lean and hungry writin' mournful songs

    And the poor poor people think I am a rich man
    but really I'm just tryin' to get along

    Yes it's funny I don't fit
    tell me where have all the average people gone

    And the government has given me a number
    to simplify my birth and life and death

    And still my woman thinks I'm awful important
    Like moon and sun and sea and sky and breath

    Yes it's funny I don't fit where have all the average people gone
    Funny I don't fit where have all the average people gone

    -Roger Miller

    Just to point out...he isn't saying he is average....he just wished everyone else was like this, then he WOULD be average.
  13. same god...same book

    yes..i do know "why" they happend...this is something that i have read about and researched THOROUGHLY....do you? and can you quote something else besides some christian readings? don't assume that everyone is ignorant to the things they talk about...just because you yourself have a different viewpoint...apparently pope urban decided he wanted his holy land back...seemed to think it was for christians only? his speech in relation to gaining support for the crusades was based on passages from the bible..because jesus was supposedly to have been born there? oh...and that if you go on this crusade...you will be forgiven of all your sins...ain't that a joke...go kill someone in the name of god...and yer good to go...woohoo...free pass to heaven all...lets sign up!!!

    the christians making pillgrimges to jerusalem were being attack and beset upon by bandits...and i guess all the pope wanted to do was make sure that more flocks would find thier way safely to the holy city...bandits are bandits...muslims, christians, athiests...however the albigensian crusades were against cathars...they were pretty much wiped to extinction...women...children...a popular quote is thought to have come out of this time period actually..though widely reported, may have just been apocryphal..."Kill them all. God will recognize his own" However the same person who was to have said this wrote to Pope Innocent III in rome and announcing the success of the endeaver "neither age nor sex nor status was spared"....why is this? because they believed in thier faith differently...it makes me think..if the church coudln't wipe out the infidels in the middle east...they would try and make a go of it in thier own lands...this happend only 22 years after the failure of the Rideforts crusade...i suppose i could add in here that the land the cathars owned was very rich and fertile farmland...and doled out properly among the nobles would create some generous tithes to the church...i mean...you owed the church that much right? he saved you from all your years of sin by killing women and children...(sorry 'bout the bitterness)

    also i believe that it was more a military thing...europe was afraid of the power and size of the muslim forces..they were afraid...get them before they get you...because god forbid heathens that burn churches and kill women and children have no place in a humane society...propafrigg'nganda...been used thru out history...and it still is to this day..

    and the muslim incursions into christian held lands btw...which they have pretty much held from then on...were retribution for a failed attempt by Gerard de Ridefort in 1187 who led templars and christian knights into a battle at Hattin (muslim controlled lands) the crusade was crushed...the muslims were pissed...so they took back jerusalem...nearly a century after it was taken from them...

    whew...okay...ive hit some of the main points and things i can remember off the top of my head about the crusades...my dates might be wrong but im thinking im close...there is so much to learn on the history of the crusades...it was so much more than just a religious endeavor...the politics and connivery (is that a word? if not i just made it up 2 stars for me!!!) of that time make what we have going on now reindeer games...however i would like to say that not everything i came across was bad or horrid or reeked of trechery...some honest christians and believers of faith made positive impacts on history at that time...granted they were ususally hung or beheaded before anyone heard 'em...*shrug*
  14. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    What I also find fascinating is this "If you haven't read it, then don't talk about it" stuff.

    How many here have read The Satanic Bible enough times to REALLY understand what is being said?

    There will be a quiz!!
  15. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    Nice! Very fitting for this thread. I don't think he's saying anything about being average. When he says "average" in this song, to me he is calling himself "everyman".

    He's saying everywhere he turns he's wrongly judged by people who never took time to know who he is.

    The exception is his wife. He married well.

    Judgement is the root of all human suffering. <3
  16. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Exactly. And if people really thought like that, then "average" wouldn't be a bad thing, as we would understand the other much better.

    The word "Average" to most seems "bad". It just depends on the context it is used. If what Roger has said he is here was "Average", the Human Race would be far better off!
  17. Very nice Test =)
  18. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    zab, you promised me you were thinking about a response to my post. I'm very patient. I waited 10 years to paint a color on the walls of my house.

    I just want to know you're still thinking about it.

    ...also, zab, you are bearing the brunt of the anger a lot of people have toward christianity and its shortcomings. You are serving as the scape goat. That's a tough role. I know. I served that role for my family throughout my childhood. It's no small feat. Although I don't always agree with what you post here, I admire you for standing up for your beliefs and facing everyone head on. You are brave.
    Last edited: 3 Apr 2006
  19. i agree with what half said...zab you are bearing up well...you always seem to have a smile in your posts despite what has been said...now to me...that is one of the ideals i believe in tru christian behavior...however the unwillingness (it seems) to see that maybe your god is not the choice of others appears a bit archaic to me...you stay true to your faith and your belief and i respect that...i may not agree with it...however....i do respect it...


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