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Theres no appropriate title

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Most of this thread has been on topic ;)
  2. dang...i go to work for one day and all the self proclaimed saints and sinners come out of the woodworks...lol...and guess what..im both...

    back to the topic tho...we are making these laws based on what? is it religion...or is it someones idea of morality? im not sure...church and state...gaawwdd...what a conundrum that is eh?

    and zab...i have to comment on some of your posts...im afraid of you...i honestly am absolutly terrified of you...from your short but direct posts lead me to believe that you are someone who spreads hate and intolerance based on your belief...ive seen people who are as adamant and devout in their faith and religion...hurt people...yell slurs and hateful retoric that demean others for thier life...perhaps i am wrong in this...i realize that...but untill i see anything that makes me feel different...i will hold to my fears for my life and my future...

    i am posting something that many of you aren't aware of and some of you are...and by this post i will most likely incure the wrath of your god and quite possibly lose some friends who i hold very dear...but untill we learn to accept everyone for who and what they are...and put aside 1000 years of arcaic beliefs...no one will truly be free...i have a very strong faith in god...a god...who's god? could be yours...could be the muslims down the street...all i know is that my god expects me to use the common sense that he/she gave me...and i know that he/she will accept me for who i am...how come others will not? i pray...sometimes he/she listens...sometimes he/she expects me to figure it out myself...i am a lesbian...and i believe in god...and god believes in me...those of you who feel the need to pray for me and my corrupted soul...don't waste your time...god isn't judgemental...so why should you be if you follow the path?

    so...abortion...is a law governing thing...or does it come down to morality and what a certain religion finds sinful and wrong? ...oh...partial birth abortions...*shudder* only in extreme cases of loss of life to the woman do i find that even necessary....many people who i have spoken with that support r.v.wade reject the idea that it is something that should be considered...again...execpt in cases of the womans life being in danger...
  3. Test...does this mean I have to come clean that I'm an alcoholic? :D

    It's going to take a lot more than that for me to want to /huggle you any less.

    /me rips off shirt, fixes bow tie and tightens leather chaps...

    /emote party boy. "Can you feel it? Can you feel it?!"
  4. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Here's something to think about. I don't know the "numbers", but how many funerals are there for miscarriages?

    Say a woman has been pregnant for a couple weeks, has a miscarriage...is there a funeral? I don't know, but I kinda doubt there is.

    Now, if a child dies at birth, that is a different story. It made it's way and was being expelled from it's host.

    George Carlin said it best when he said, basically, people want the govenment off our backs.....but in a woman's uterus.....backs are no good, uteruses are fine.

    He also mentions, which is pretty much true, is that "most of these women who are against abortion you wouldn't want to (sleep with) anyway!".

    People always say "there is always putting the child up for adoption". Most of those that say that aren't adopting. "Millions are looking to adopt"....yea, perfectly healthy babies. I'm sure you would be first in line if you said "I want me a crack baby". Funny how people can be so righteous, as long as they have a "choice".

    It's also funny how "choice" is easily given up when, at the time, it isn't their "choice" being taken away. Turn the tables and it becomes "unfair".

    As for the unborn and it's "choice"....doesn't have one. And even if it's born, it won't have many "choices", by law, until certain ages. And I'm sure some will go on and on about "choices", but then you DO have the RIGHT to that "choice". Unless Hamma says so...then it will be "unfair", won't it!

    As for the god stuff...simple.

    Man made God
    God is Man
    I am Man
    I am God

    Another thing.....christianity has Pagan DNA.

    Freedom of Religion means ALL religions, and should actually be expounded to include Freedom FROM Religion.
  5. symen

    symen DragonWolf

    testflight, I considered you a friend before, and that hasn't changed. I have a new respect for you now, though -- that must have taken some courage to say in an open forum. I don't think I could have done it.

    Be proud of who you are, and to hell with anyone who says otherwise. :love:

  6. now i would be all for some congressional thing to make sure that shit is outlawed...for sure!!!
  7. Many of the ladies have tried...they could only have hoped to contain me...

    ...what were we talking about again?:D
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  8. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    :love: test
  9. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    Rayzer, you said -
    "Mani, we can't know anything for certain, why does that bother you so? Even something as simple as not killing other people can become muddy. I would say most of us think that killing is bad, however, should some body break into our home and threaten our loved ones we would kill them to protect our own. Some, however, would rather themselves be killed, for whatever reason than strike out at another."
    I am not so much bothered by the concept of not knowing something for certain, but by people who claim absolutes based upon a relative truth. There is a truth that says killing another human being is never muddy, it always bears a consequence. It doesn't matter if it is murder or self defense it is an intrusion into the life of those involved. The sad part, because we deny the objective truth, we succumb to the relative truth of humanism and killing humans becomes justified for one reason or another.

    "In the end, we come to a compromise based on our cross section of beliefs. Why there has to be a "right" answer, I do not know. There are many view points on many issues, I think it's possible for there to be more than one right answer, even if those answers are conflicting."
    So we reach a concensus where one or both of us compromises our belief because we know we can't win the other over. If I knew for a fact that the only way down from a building (as we had chatted about before) was the stairs and you, being my friend, insisted you could get down by jumping, should I then compromise what I believe simply to keep from offending you? The objective truth here is that you would die if you jumped down. There has to be a right answer somewhere, otherwise what is the point? It is impossible, for example, to be asked "do you exist" and answer "yes" and "no" and truly mean both. The answer here is yes because you can answer. For you to answer no would be impossible because to even understand the question, you must first exist. There is a right answer here.

    "But I think you're talking about one of the fundamental philosophical points, whether morality has an intrinsic base or whether it is relative. This sure as hell isn't a point we'll figure out here."
    I agree with you here - one of the fundamental philosophical points is whether morality is inherent or learned. But either way, what is it based upon? Do human beings automatically construct morality as they grow older? If so, who taught the first humans? I mean, all you have to do is look at a group of two year olds and you can see they need to be taught what is right and wrong. ( :p )

    I think we have made headway on this point. Relative truth is hard to support because it cannot be substantiated all the time. Each person would then have their own truth and sometimes these truths may conflict which calls into question who is then right and who makes that call. We must appeal to a higher, overarching, objective truth that carries authority.

    Chuk, you said -
    "As for the god stuff...simple.

    Man made God
    God is Man
    I am Man
    I am God
    1) Did man make God? Where did the idea for God come from?
    2) If God is man, and man made God, that would mean man made man. How does something create itself? (Ex nihilo)
    3) True
    4) Not true, because I know you personally and you aren't perfect (nothing personal, as you are my brother and I love you dearly), therefore you cannot be God for the idea of God demands perfection.

    The concept of God is not simple, if you choose to investigate it, it is a question that demands an answer. Why does it demand an answer? Because if it is true there is a God, then there is an objective truth and it demands to be answered. It won't matter whether we believe it is true or not it is nonetheless. What we would be silly to do is discount the evidence simply because we choose not to believe out of either stubborness or ignorance or pride. If there is the slightest possible chance God does exist, that would imply there is the possibility of absolute objective truth and I would be horribly remiss to dismiss it without study.
  10. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    It doesen't mean that - Man came from a puddle of mud like everything else on the planet. We evolved from lower forms of life to what we are today.

  11. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    The chance of man coming from a puddle somewhere, "goo to you" evolution, is astronomical to the degree that most mathmeticians consider it an impossibility.

    Evolution, as defined by the introduction of new information into the genetic code, is an untenable solution to the origin of man. It is a proven fact that matter, in and of itself, cannot create new information or code - it is impossible.

    Dr. Richard Dawkins, an incredibly gifted professor from Oxford University, was asked this very question: "Name one observed example of new information being introduced by matter." (If evolution is true there should be MILLIONS of examples.) He was not able to answer the question with a single example.

  12. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Nor can anyone answer the question in the other direction. ;) I'm sure there is plenty of research out there that indicates that it did in fact occur. It's all about whom you chooose to believe and where you read it from. Same answer as every other thread you answered with 300 questions. :lol:
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  13. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    You love me, admit it. :rawr:
  14. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer


    Thanks to you I've wasted my entire night researching creationism vs evolution (Which means you win). I need to go play Black and White 2 where I know I am god. :D
  15. Manitou

    Manitou Old War Horse DragonWolf

    There are a myriad of good sites out there to do research. It is actually a great study! I think you would enjoy it!

    I liked that game! But I kept asking the little people if they accepted objective truth - they eventually all rebelled and told me they didn't believe in me. :(
  16. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

  17. *grabs canopener and gets a can of worms*

    oo oo..i just thought of something....the death penalty...what i have seen and experienced in my life...many of the very conservative people who are so dead-set against abortion...have no qualms with the death penatly...at least some of the ones i have come across...so im curious those of you who are strong in your feelings regarding outlawing abortion...are you also against the death penatly?

    i think god came from mans inherit desire and need to find some faith in something...anything....to explain things that couldn't be expained at the time...when you are a dominating force in the world (pick any of the strong ancient civilizations) you have to have a way to explain death...catastrophe...to keep the masses content...

    btw...i like populus...at the end...you get to annihalate EVERYTHING....you are GOD!!!!
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  18. just the facts

    Keep posting-we gotta be the never ending thread
  19. Nope
  20. Hey test,
    Sorry for misleading you. Actually I'm a pretty nice guy.
    Believe it or not =)

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