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Theres no appropriate title

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Swift As Feather, 20 Mar 2006.

  1. you are accepting of the death penalty then?
  2. Oh snap! Don't lets get started on evolution. Actually I think we should make another thread about that one. But I believe you have an incorrect definition of evolution. Evolution is not the introduction of new information into the genetic code, it is the combination of normal genetic makeup and genetic mutation that produces beneficial traits. And there are millions of examples of natural genetic mutation.

    But I don't want to get into that one too much!

    A couple brief things. That would be wonderful if the world was black and white. It is not, and so yes I think moral answers are relative. And Mani, you do compromise your beliefs simply by living in this society. By compromise I don't mean you give up your beliefs, I mean that you still activly participate in our society and culture, even though some aspects of that culture don't directly parallel your belief system. Our society could not function without compromise. I wish I could be clearer, but I want to stop rambling.


    There are a few rules that I have lived by for as long as I can remember thinking clearly.

    1. If a friend, does not accept you for who you truly are, they were never really your friend and you are better off without them.

    2. A true friend, is your friend, regardless of who your other friends are.

    3. Be loyal to your friends, especially when it is not popular to be their friend.

    I think the battle over same sex unions is the most important issue in this country today. With all our talk of freedom and liberty, we have not yet learned from our treatment of women and minorities. When I hear reactions to same sex marriages and see the laws being introduced it makes me ashamed to be an American.
  3. Yes, actually I am.
  4. I'm still waiting for a response ;)

    I understand if you don't have the time, that's no biggie, but you made an awefully big post that said a whole lot of nothing with the time you had :p

    Anywho, I'm headed to bed soon, so I'll read your responses in the morning and get back to you.
  5. Sounds good,
    I will do my homework tonight. However, I believe you said you would not believe even if I did give you enough evidence that demands a verdict.
    I'm not going to post it in here. If you are really interested, send me a PM and I will reply with enough mathematical evidence that shows the only possibility of the verdict can be yes.

  6. then...in my eyes...you don't follow the path...you might think you do...and those are your beliefs and your ideals...and im very happy that you have found something in this life that gives you support on a daily basis...but is not a life a life? god forgives on many levels that you and i cannot even comprehend...

    and im sure you are a nice guy...i have no doubts about that... :)

    but will you pray for me now knowing what you do about me? are you afraid that i might go to hell or whatever being what i am? or do you think that thru a life of piety, prayer and giving myself to God is the only way to my salvation and that i would cast off this life of sin? i do apologize if i sound..perhaps bitter...but im acting on personal experience....this is only my reaction from my real life encounters from people who have said pretty much the same things that you have...im considered a second class citizen by my govt and a sinner by so called christians (not saying all are like that...not by any means) so i hope you will forgive me for my interpretations of many of things that you have said...
  7. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    I said to myself when this thread started that I wasn't going to post.... Oh well....

    On the original topic, abortion, one is either for it or against it. There is no middle ground. Although there are many moral implications, it has been legalized due to the status quo. To change that, one must show their views via their electoral venues. Shock value pictures and videos only enrage a few. Most will turn away. Protests are normally viewed as militant and are simply ignored. Want to make a stand, do it with your votes. If you are interested in my stand and opinion, pro-choice. It's a women's body and who am I to say what she does with it.

    With respect to the recent posts regarding religion, it is a matter of perception and interpretation. I was brought up in an atmosphere where one could say was a little more on the religious side. Through my years, events in my life made me question my beliefs. I tend now to believe the way I *interpret* Arglaar's view. Is that wrong? To me, no but to someone like Zab, yes. It's my opinion, interpretation, perception. Religion was created by man. The various writings in religion, interpretations by man. Who's to say my interpretation is better than someone elses? No-one. Can my opinion be changed? Possibly but that's for me to learn on my own, not by some door to door prophet nor ultra-hyped book thumper.
  8. How do you know man created religion?
  9. Om

    Om DragonWolf

    I always consider you first class, my friend.
  10. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    My interpretation, perception and opinion.

  11. Test,
    All you have to do is ask for me to pray for you, I would love to.

    I don't believe piety is the way to salvation.

    Don't worry, pssssst- I'm a sinner too.
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Evolution...mutation....one and the same, basically. And that evolution occurs is a fact. The Natural World proves that time and again. Just look at all the different species of "man". Homo Sapiens became the smartest, and therefore most deadly.

    Man is after all, just an animal, though most intelligent, most often times the most viscious of all animals. Chimps may have mob killings, but humans kill over the stupidest things!! Always have, and always will.

  13. how do you know he didn't? ;)
  14. Right now we can say there are 6.5 billion people here on earth.
    According to the population clock, 41 people are born worldwide every 10 seconds, and 18 die.
    So for every 10 seconds there are +23 being brought into the world.

    60sec = 1 minute
    60 minutes = 1 hr
    24hrs = 1 day
    365 day = 1 year

    60sec x 60 minutes x 24 hours x 365 days = 31,536,000 seconds per year
    1 minute 1 hour 1 day 1 year

    31,536,000 = +72,532,800 people added to the population of the
    10 sec per 23 people planet each year.

    We know that Jesus Christ walked the earth approx 2000 years ago.

    Lets say for each year that we move backward in time we loose –72,532,800 people per year.

    -72,532,800 * 2000 years ago = 145,065,600,000 people ago.

    Wait Wait Wait – if my math is correct-this tells me evolution; over millions or billions of years ago doesn’t work. Mathematically impossible.

    Since there are only 6.5 billion people on earth right now where did the remaining 139billion people go from the past 2000 years ago????

    Please tell me if you can’t follow the math
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Indeed. :D

    You bring up a good point test on the death penalty. It's a bit hypocritical from my point of view to be against one but not another. I'm off to sleep as well.

    If you want to be a part of this debate Zab - post some input. Post your all knowing "mathematical reasons" as to why we are all wrong. Prove your point like we have all been trying to. Sure we may not all bow to your all powerful god and become worshipers but we will read it just like everything else here. Who knows - someone may see some sense in it and want to know more.

    If you are just gonna PM everyone then what is the point of posting here in the first place hm? ;)

    EDIT: Nevermind this post you beat me to the punch. Ban!
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  16. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Oh...and as for Who made man.....Evolution is far more provable than who Cain went out and did to make a family. Oh wait, they don't really talk about that, now do they.

    And who did the other children of Adam and Eve do to procreate? Isn't incest against this book some of you love to thump?

    Wait, I know...we just have to have "faith" that incest didn't happen, as the book eludes...it was some "other people that happened to show up" that were involved.

    Telling people that a light bulb doesn't emit light, but sucks up the darkness, and when it gets full you see some of the darkness on the bulb is more believable than that whole story. After all bulbs do kinda resemble black holes...and what do they do? Suck up light!

    Or does the light gain such a velocity that it actually stops at the edge of the balck hole. Since time slows as you get faster than the speed of light, would not the light slow, as it get's faster than itself? The gravitational pull is so great at the rim that light moves so fast it seems to have, or has, stopped? Hence the black hole?

    That's more of a quandry than anything!! hehehehe
  17. how do we know this? and what proof is there that he was indeed the son of god? by a book writen by man...

    you must ask questions before you can answer them...

    edit* im not challenging the historical facts that a man named jesus lived...just who he was and how his beliefs may have gotten a bit skewed to benefit certain people...mostly playing devils advocate..heh
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  18. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    Those numbers don't work - less people less births. Simple mathematics certainly is not the answer hehe.
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2006
  19. Actually, I think as the light moves closer to the black hole it reverses in time.
    I think that the universe is moving at such a speed away from where ever the center is, that it is moving faster than light. If you remember your physics, if the flea is riding on the train, it's speed is relative to that which it is attached to. The flea would never notice it is traveling at a high rate of speed untill it measured its speed to a tree that is standing still.
    I think (just my pondering) that the universe is moving so fast away from the center that it is traveling faster than light. If this is true, then when you look up into the sky at night, you may be looking at the beginning of creation.
  20. I can proove to you also that it was impossible for man to write this alone.

    Yes, it was penned by different men throughout time, but God had to give them the words. If you would like proof, just PM me. It will take up way to much space to put in here. Then the question would arise to you:

    There is more proof of God than there are atoms in the entire universe.
    If you would like for me to get into mathematical computations I will be happy to show you. If I did proove that God does exist and that Christ is His Son, and that Christ is the only way to Heaven,


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