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Thoughts on Upgrading

Discussion in 'Star Citizen Public Discussion' started by Sentrosi, 12 Sep 2014.

  1. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Smartass. :lol:
  2. frothy, you have the one ship i bought you......so at this time, you are only out the price of one aurora..........with that ship you can be a jack of all trades and a master of none, but still get a chance to experience most of what this game has to offer.

    I could sit here and go on for hours about the pros of buying ships now vs earning them in game. I can point out why I have spent over 1000 dollars on this game and why everytime i see another ship go on sale how my wallet hides in fear. The bottom line is no one can convince you other than yourself. If you ever need some questions about the game answered, there are a few of us on ts that can accomidate you with any info you need. I feel by knowing you like I do, you are going to love this game, just try to give it a fair chance.
  3. GraniteRok

    GraniteRok Executive Officer Officer

    I agree with Scrub. I intended to start off with just the Aurora to feel out the game. The evil shoulder demon got to me and convinced me to go ahead and buy a fighter, a stealth fighter and a larger hauler. That's the extent I intend to go. Still hefty out of pocket but not to the degree of others. There are several with an Aurora only and that'll be fine. As Scrub said, the Aurora is a good all around ship. It'll be plenty to get one started. Myself... I just got a little greedy! ;)
  4. So, as I understand it, only the dogfighting module is out and you need to have gotten into the kickstarter early to play?
  5. which you have, thanks to the aurora package i sent you way back when....you have early access to everything
  6. You either need an early game package with "Alpha Access" in it, or you need a current game package with an "Arena Commander Pass" (currently $5). Stand alone ships with not work. You must have a package. See here for examples: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/pledge/game-packages
    All of these packages, with 1 exception ($30 Aurora MR package), will grant you beta access and then Arena Commander access, as long as you have an Arena Commander Pass.
  7. he has an aurora package with lti nacht
  8. Understood, I was merely reiterating.

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