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Tribes: Vengeance

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Paladin, 29 Sep 2004.

  1. Doomhawk

    Doomhawk Council of Elders<BR>UberPigeon Elder DragonWolf

    game absolutly sucks, sucks so bad it makes T2 look damn good imo.
  2. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    /me agrees

    I would MUCH rather play T2 than this game.

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I like the game just not the people (although most the jerkoffs seem to be leaving) and if thats wrong I don't want to be right
  4. Rubick

    Rubick DragonWolf

    The more ive played it the more i seem to get into it... there are some servers that i wont play on, but i can occasionally find a good server and have fun for a few maps.
  5. i wish ppl still playd T1 :-(
  6. Been playing for a few days now.

    I like it enough to give retail a try. But I'm having the same problem I have with most games these days--there are too many griefers and jerks. I stopped playing Raven Shield because of the bad manners, I stopped playing UT because of the bad manners, and I am seeing a lot of that in Tribes. Out of maybe 10 hours of play over the last few days, I have encountered serious griefing a dozen times at least. People mortar spamming their own bases, people refusing to cap the flag, people displaying their 7th-grade vocabulary and 3rd grade mentality...

    And then, the cheaters will appear.

    I dunno yet how much I like it, but it still is different from other FPS games enough to be kind of fun. It's a shame that it looks like CDL won't have a division. But I definitely wasn't transfixed like I was the first time I ever loaded Tribes 2.

    When I play, I usually play on 5-assed monkey. It seems to be better than most, like it was for a long time in T2.
    Last edited: 5 Oct 2004

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    I like to play on {p9} the pantheon but lately their server has had either a really high ping or doesn't show up at all so I've become a bit of a nomad
  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmm......

    I'm seeing a lot of nay-sayers here. I don't have a copy and don't plan on getting one (Heck...I still haven't finished NWN - Hordes of the Underdark yet....) ;)
    But I *do* have Unreal Tournament 2004 installed (hey Race, have you heard of this game?;) ). It's not something that I'd expect -CDL- to make a division on, but at least when I play I do my best to give -CDL- a good name when I play.


  9. HMM I bought UTK04 after playing the demo. I installed it and well, I'm not sure what happened. I'm looking at the box now just collecting dust, but when I did play I really enjoyed it. I figure SideKick will like it though, she love to "go around and kill people" and thats a direct quote.

    WoW did I ever find the perfect woman to marry, smart, beautiful, she'll be a nurse for when I hurt myself and yes now she wants to play video game...... :love:

    I may have to reinstall and check it out some time.
  10. ORANGE

    ORANGE DragonWolf

    my disc for UT2k4 got fuxored and none of the no cd cracks would work so now I have to go out and buy it again the bastards
  11. That's interesting. I don't use the CD....(and I never used a hack)

  12. Of course... Racewiz isn't using his.... ;)


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