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Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Ingwë, 13 Feb 2004.

  1. WOW~!

    I'm shaking after playing onslaught~! If -CDL- starts a team, let me know - I'd be interested in joining (If Vong starts it... - I will for SURE sign up)

    Golly - I wonder if I should start posting picks...
  2. WE WILL PWN ALL OTHERS!!!!!!!!!

    Other clans will know the meaning of


    I'd sign up for a CDL division of Onslaught or Assault.
  3. Oed


    Been playing it all weekend...yes, yes indeed. CDL needs to be in on this. What Tribes could be (if it had jetpacks).
  4. Yes, I was playing it fairly often and last night -
    Boy Howdy~!
    I thougth I was doing good, I got high score all but 2x's The second time, I had 2nd highest score with something like 111 points...
    First place had 202 (or so) points~!



    ORANGE DragonWolf

    bah I always get stuck with guys that treat onslaught like team deathmatch and we lose big time with me being the sacrificial lamb trying to capture nodes and then I curl up into the fetal position and cry

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