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VA Tech

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by Ground Chuk, 16 Apr 2007.

  1. you see...now i am open to discussing this issue....a couple days makes for some good reflection...

    i try sooooo hard to stick to my guns...so to speak on this topic...i think NYC is getting to me....the amount of illegal weapons in this city is INCREDIBLE...you see..im all for carrying and having the ability to protect yourself...but you know how many crazy fuckers there are in this city? If im able to...so are they..scares the living piss out of me...i know how to use a weapon...i also respect the weapon...i also have the mental capacity to be responsible with that weapon...however..that crazy fucker...not so much..and he can most likely get a weapon quicker than i can...and cheaper too!

    im getting so torn on this issue these days...back in oklahoma...i never worried about it...yes there are crazy fuckers there...but a different kind of crazy...

    my question is...how do you/we fix it? does it need to be fixed one way or the other?
  2. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Criminals, for the most part, are cowards. They want no confrontation. "Criminals prefer unarmed victims".

    When more law-abiding citizens are armed, the criminal element is less likely to strike. That is why in states where ccw has become legal for law-abiding citizens, crime has dropped.

    Criminals who are locked up say they would go to places they knew guns were prohibited, as their prey would be defenseless. That is why you see large killings in places where guns are prohibited.

    When have there been mass killings at, say, gun shows? The huge amounts of guns, as the anti's tend to believe, would be a recipe for that. They apparently believe guns get up by themselves and start shooting. Yet it doesn't happen.

    The VT killer, in effect, could have killed more at, say, a gun show...more people, more targets. Why didn't he? More guns. Plain and simple. He knew the campus was "gun-free" and therefore "safe".....for him to take a lot of lives.

    The armed law-abiding citizen can stop these things. Not only because they can shoot back, but just with the simple fact they are armed. The numbers of armed defense situations aren't tracked. No crime commited, no need to track it. Most situations are averted by an armed law-abiding citizen just showing their firearm. And not even pulling it. The criminal runs away. Even though the citizen may call it in, since nothing happened, no need to track as noone was harmed.

    The numbers for armed law-abiding citizens protecting themselves defensively with their weapons is said to range from about 800,000 to two million times a year. http://www.gunsandcrime.org/dgufreq.html

    Take that number, and compare it to the homicide rate as a whole http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/05cius/data/table_01.html

    2005 had sixteen thousand plus murder/nonnegligent homicides. And that is ALL of the deaths, which includes guns, knives and strangulation, baseball bats, rocks, and whatever.... 800,000 compared to 16,000+. Hmmmmm.

    I use the low side on defensive use just to prove a point. With those numbers, how many would have been on the other side if guns were illegal for law-abiding citizens? How many if the high side of defensive use where proven to be true? Would 500,000 murders be a realistic number? Maybe just 100,000 or even 50,000. Which is the better number?

    We are still one of the safest societies in the world. A little search for crime in the other countries will prove that.

    I could go on, but will stop here!
  3. so...going back to the shooting....you think that it wouldn't have happened if everyone or most of the kids were armed? I don't think you can second guess crazies like that...he would have killed someone...somewhere...maybe not the class..maybe a supermarket...maybe an elementary school...of course this is all hypothetical and based in the land of "what if" and "if only"

    if we all were armed...how would we seperate ourselves from the folks in the middle east that many of us abhore for their violence and extremist behavior...well...you say...we are not extremists? We are not animals? well...not yet...there is the big debate that..."this is only the beginning" once they require this and that from folks who own firearms..they will start taking away this and that...it can just as easily go the other way...we have extremists in our country too...now imagine the gay-haters fully armed showing up at a pride parade...or...even imagine a radical christian group showing up at a mosque...folks like that you can't predict...and have no fear of reprecussions...

    eventually we would all look like the middle east...shooting our weapons in the air at a birthday party or in celebration...oh..wait..they do that in the bronx already...

    you can't take the common sense and the law abiding lifestyle of some and build an argument on that...most of us here know how to use and understand the responsibility that comes from owning and using a firearm...but it is the age old adage that a few rotten apples spoil the barrel...and yeah..im not happy about it either...

    those few rotten apples have created this whole problem anyway...the mentality of alot of the city kids here is...you pissed me off..im gonna pop a cap in you...they don't care about reprecussions...they don't care, no matter how much people try to instill in them, that innocent people can, will and do die because of their cavalier and irresponsible behavior...

    i know there are statistics for and against this issue...the big problem...you can't statitize (im not even sure if thats a word) people...you can only use the results of thier actions...

    like i said..ive become torn on this topic...i read about an innocent being shot in the newspaper once a week...its heart wrenching...yes..i think i have a heart...to see a picture of this 2 year old who was shot by stray gunfire while sitting in a car in his carseat...they had nothing to do with the firefight...both parties were armed...and i believe they both ran away/got away w/out being shot...one was..."protecting himself" do we write off those 2 year olds as collateral damage for our right to own weapons? at this point i can really see no solution for my confusion...i don't want any more kids to die...but i also want to be able to protect myself...is there a middle ground?
  4. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    The only thing you can do right now, and to make a difference, is protect yourself. Those children you're talking about Test grow up in a 3rd world country. Let's face it. It's the truth. We pretend that they are growing up in the U.S. of A only to make ourselves seem better than the rest of the world.

    It's far from the truth. Sure, we've got our problems and a bureocracy that would rather throw money at a problem that doesn't need it. If politicians really TRULY cared about their constituents, then there would be real progress in this country. The reality is that the inner cities of all of our major metropolitan cities are 3rd world countries. When police won't go into a certain section of a neighborhood here in Albany, then I know for a fact that there are other cities with the same issues. And why won't they go in?

    For fear of their lives. That's why. Or because some crooked politico doesn't want them there.

    I have no answer to your question Test. I can only say that you should concentrate on protecting yourself and those who you love. No one else is going to.
  5. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    It's a shame when innocent bystanders get shot. But the government can't protect us from everything. Look at these statistics http://www.the-eggman.com/writings/death_stats.html Not sure the year they represent. The top just says it was released September 2002.

    You will notice that firearms are at the bottom of both the lists for the total.

    Test, you mention Gay Pride. Have you heard of The Pink Pistols? http://www.pinkpistols.org/

    One of their members posts on the OFCC forums on occasion.

    Like Sent said, you have to be prepared to defend yourself and those you love. Noone else is going to.

    Here is a story about a fifteen year old getting shot and killed trying to rob a licensed ccw'er here in Ohio. http://www.ohioccw.org/

    This is the world we live in. Do what you can to be prepared.
  6. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    Yea, I posted about the VA Tech shootings that some would say was "a bit early". But here is the Brady Bunch. Read the comments. http://www.bradycampaign.org/blog/2007/04/18/32-dead-what-are-we-going-to-do-about-it/#comments

    Several right off the bat are mentioning the Brady Bunch and them asking for money.

    The comments are very well written. Some even from the Brady Bunch followers wondering how they could be asking for money so soon.

    They are about money. If things like this don't happen, no need for them. THEY NEED PEOPLE TO DIE FROM HANDGUNS TO SUPPORT THEIR LIFESTYLES.

    Again, my point was to protect your Right to be armed. Theirs is monetary.

    Remember Fred Phelps? His idiot family is at it again http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/04/18/national/main2699800.shtml

    From what I've read about the Phelps Cult, they do this to get people to react physically and then sue. That is their way to make money.

    Just because someone SAYS they know what's best, it is in YOUR best interest to look into the FACTS.

    As for the Brady Bunch, they never mention Murder is illegal and doesn't stop people. They don't mention that guns were already illegal on V Tech. Reason? Because if people realized CRIMINLAS don't follow LAWS, then their WHOLE GROUP is a waste of time. Which would mean they would have to get REAL JOBS.
  7. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    An update on the dude who protected himself from the fifteen year old robber. The neighborhood has retaliated against him. After the damage done to his house, it is now boarded up, and apparently noone lives there anymore.

    There are teddybears and such outside where the criminal died. They are supporting the criminal. His family feels someone should be punished for their kids criminal behavior. Certainly not the criminal, but the law-abiding citizen.

    THIS is the kind of world we live in.

    Oh, the fifteen year old was already on probation, for the same thing six months prior.



  8. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Yeah, it's always upsetting to hear of a 15 year old kid being gunned down. That is what the media focuses on. Not the fact that he was carrying a gun he was not allowed to own because

    1. He's 15
    2. He's a convicted felon

    I have no words for his family other than, "You shouldn't have raised him watching Barney."
  9. You know... I'm going to take a quick guess on this story without reading the details yet...

    The 15yo was Black, and the person who shot him was White? And the Neighbors who are upset are also Black.

    I REALLY hope that I'm wrong. We'll see....
  10. WOW... Now that was a twist. Both of them were Black.

    What I think is interesting, is how that community has the 15yo as the victim of the shooting, and not the person the kid was trying to rob, who was just protecting himself.

    It's just a shame that the person who was protecting himself, has had to leave. Because of the damage/threats to him.
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    It's a shame that there are people in this country who still do not value what is theirs and think they have the right to steal without any concequences.
  12. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

  13. Full Otto

    Full Otto Chain Gun Madman

    I didn't read all the stuff, I know Chuck is all about Conceal and carry but the gun you have (44 mag isn't it) pulled in a school and fired, assuming your in a calm and collected state amongst the gunfire, would tear through the shooter and continue on. Now think about all the students there pulling their guns and firing at the same time. Kind of like a mexican standoff. Everyone fires and half of them hit each other.

    we take classes once a quarter from a Philipino martial artist that teaches law enforcement and swat teams. He summed it up the best, once you make the decision to kill, it changes both your lives forever. It's not an act taken lightly nor discussed before hand. It's a last defense only effort.

    The more I read on here from you Chuck the more concerned I get!!! Your talking about not going to the rally because they don't allow weapons!!!

    The world is a bad place, we know that, but most of us (I would say millions) have lived without ever having to pull a gun and shoot and hopefully we will continue. I think it's good that you have your permit but don't let it run your life and control you.
  14. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I carry mainly a 9mm. I have ammo for Close Quarters. It will expand enough to either not go through, or if it does, it's momentum is slowed enough not to do any serious damage on the other side. Basically it is what a lot of police carry.

    At VA Tech, if they had fired on him, no one would have been behind him, as he walked in the door and started shooting, he didn't ask people to surround him, nor did he run into the middle of everyone.

    Those people at VA Tech never needed a firearm....until that day.

    Firearms are used to defend against crime around two million times a year.

    People who use a firearm to defend themself don't say "I'm going to carry today because today I will need to."

    Sometimes those who don't have a firearm to defend themselves NEVER get the chance to do so again.

    The students at VA Tech were in a Gun Free Zone...Cho didn't care. Weapon Free Zones are Criminal Protection Zones.

    I hope I NEVER have to use my weapon. Where do I sign up for the thing that GUARANTEES me I will never need a weapon? Until they set that up, I will never walk down the block without my gun being cocked.

    Having to kill someone will certainly change your life. But I would rather have my life CHANGE, than to NOT be able to change it, as it has been taken by some criminal.

    If I was setting up the Rally, and saw that "no weapons of any kind" were allowed, I would have asked them about this policy. And certainly asked them how I would cut my steak, as a knife is a weapon. I would also ask about pointy sticks and rocks. And if they provided 24/7 armed security at each cabin point of entrance.

    They don't, so how can they say I have NO right to defend myself in the odd event I needed to?

    You forget that not only are humans dangerous, but wildlife is also. What will you have to defend against a black bear? They are one of the most aggressive of the bear bunch. Is everyone going well versed on how to handle food and how to store it to keep a bear from investigating, looking for free food?

    Nothing may ever happen, and we all hope it doesn't. But it happens, ask those it has happened to, if they are still alive.
  15. Hamma

    Hamma Commanding Officer Officer

    The reality of the VA Tech shootings and other school shootings hit home with me. I work at a school, I interact with students on a daily basis. I am involved in lock down procedures, drills, surveillance and all that good stuff. We have had training on how to pick up suspicious activity, drug use, and all doors are to be locked at all times.

    When I get a CCW though, I cannot carry it on school grounds as it is a state law. Dumb? Yep sure as hell is. But am I to quit my job and opt myself out of every activity when I cannot carry? Hell no, ya only live once and I love working at a school because I know I am helping kids to get an education, rather than helping some CEO get richer.

    I can't carry while I am drinking (also state law) am I to not go out with my friends and have a few wobbly pops? ;) Since I can't pack at a CDL rally should I not go and meet up with the greatest bunch of folks I know just out of principle? I will be there come hell or high water, if I had to walk I'd be there. If I get malled by a bear or shot by a hillbilly in the woods well that suck but at least I died a happy man :lol:

    I believe in a citizens right to carry just as much as the next guy and will do my part to try and help politicians from taking that right away, but I will not take myself out of activities just because I can't use a gun there. That does not help the cause at all, because nobody knows you are making a stand anyway. ;)

    Speaking of CCW I have done a ton of research the past few weeks on my area and what is needed, have the required classes lined up as well :D
  16. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

    I haven't asked the big boss guy if I can carry at work. I lock it up in my vehicle at this time. I'm not going to quit if I weren't allowed because I have bills to pay, and other such things that gainful employment allow me.

    However, if not going to someplace that doesn't recognize my right to keep and bear arms doesn't affect my life, then I will opt not to go.

    Besides, $150 I can find better things to do with. I wasn't sure I could go in the first place due to the money....the "no weapons of any kind", like I said, sealed the deal.

    As I didn't set this up, by me questioning the people who run this place I don't really have anything to say to them, as I am just one person.

    If I was the one organizing it, then I could use the group as leverage in the fact that I will find another place that is more friendly. I would state that this could be a yearly thing, with possible growth of attendance, and if they want to keep to the "no weapons of any kind" stance, then my group will find a more accommodating business.

    Using money is one way to get things done. Either spending it or not.

    For example: where I worked before I frequented the Frishe's drive-thru a lot. They put up a gun buster sign right after passage of Ohio's CCW law (HB12). When I saw it, I asked the hot chick at the window about the sign. She said she didn't know much about it, so I asked for the manager. He said it was about the new law. I said "I know, and I'm a CHL carrier, and I come through the drive-thru a lot."

    He said "Well, since you don't come inside, you aren't affected by it". I told him I won't be coming through if the sign stays, and will ask others to stay away also. And I waited for two weeks, driving through the parking lot occasionally to see if it was there. It was eventually removed.

    Did I have anything to do with it? Who knows. Frische's Corporate had said they don't force their places to post, but can if they want to. The hot chick at the window, when I finally came back, said she thought it was cool I did that. So, perhaps I showed at least one individual that standing up for your rights can work, and one way to do it.

    Even now there are many college students gearing up to fight the campuses to allow students, who are licensed, to carry on campus.

    But again, I wasn't sure I could make it anyway, so that part just made the decision easier.

    I'm not looking for places to use my weapon, just trying to keep away from places I might need it, and not be allowed to have it.

    And as an aside note...I mentioned those VA Tech students didn't need a firearm until that day. I mispoke, as I don't know how many of them had been robbed, raped, or assaulted before this. So they perhaps could have needed a firearm even before this unfortunate incident.
  17. Ground Chuk

    Ground Chuk BANNED

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