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Warhammer 40,000: The Tiadein Chronicles

Discussion in 'Upcoming Games Discussion' started by Hyncharas, 19 Aug 2004.

  1. Originally I had a story where the player's character was from the midpoint of the 21st Century, in order to ground people in the world's start of a golden age of technology. I also had it so that (unbeknownst when you start the game), the player was partially responsible for something really bad for Humanity. Unfortunately this worked too well, and it's actually far too early on in the Warhammer 40,000 timeline that was released with the Horus Heresy background books...

    As a result I've since updated the story to be set during the final years of the 25th Millennium; a time which also corresponds with the original premise for a storyline that I first wrote. I'm also in the process of changing portions of the text so they fit correctly with the new date

    This now means that the story will be much more in tune with the franchise's fiction, and fewer "flights of fancy" will be made to the character that really upset the balance of the game.
  2. Well it's nearly been a whole 5 months since my last post on this, so I thought I'd give people an update.

    Last week I made a request to a new developer for contact-details, so I can discuss the project with them (in person, hopefully). Given the nature of what the game will be I have chosen a new division of a company, being set up with the help of Microsoft Game Studios; who will be exlusively producing "theatrical games"...

    This division is called Wingnut Interactive, and is part of Wingnut Films ran by the Peter Jackson/Fran Walsh partnership.
    Last edited: 27 Nov 2006
  3. Just re read up on it. Sounds pretty cool. Good luck man.
  4. they had a warhammer game out in the store yesterday, i did not read much on it as we were in a hurry to get back home, but is that anything or a smaller project of all this???
  5. Sputters

    Sputters DragonWolf<br>Invisible Shorts<br>AKA Black DragonWolf

    Which one mig? Theres 2 out now so far and then the mmo thats coming out soon (The two that are out are either Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War [Winter Assault, and Dark Crusade are addons] or Warhammer: The Mark of Chaos)
  6. i honestly dont know :) one of them had some multi player, but i did not read much on it, just saw it in passing :)
  7. Ingwë

    Ingwë DragonWolf<BR>The Goose!

    That would be crazy! Good luck with that!
  8. An MMO really is what it is, so I guess my game will be not much grander than that of Warhammer Online that's still in development.
  9. The other day when I was working on one of my community projects, I got an interesting email.

    It was from a developer I originally pitched to last year (known as WE ARE MACHINE) but who turned me down, and they were asking whether or not I had representation yet :) This is the second surprise I've had in as many months, as I never thought someone would initiate the desire to look at my work...

    I haven't said yes to them yet because I'm still waiting to hear back from Wingnut/Microsoft, but in the event they turn me down, as least I have someone who is interested off their own back.
  10. All the issues that have occured with the player's backstory I think have finally been solved. This just leaves me to get a representative and do a script with them.

    Now, about that. Before I've spoken several times on this to Epicgames, and once to Square Enix, both who've turned me down...

    However, I think I now have an idea that will allow me to let them work on it together! The other day, IGN broke news that the two companies will be collaborating to merge Square's White Engine with UnrealTech. This was something I explored in the past given the scale and detail the similar engines provide, but originally it wasn't possible given the relationship they have with THQ -- in other words, I didn't want one developer starting it and then it becoming another Fire Warrior. At the moment, I'm still trying to ensure that whatever developer I can get who makes it to purchase the creative-license from THQ, so it can be published with some better grace than the previous FPS. I'm expected to do a Placement Year starting next-July, so I'm going to try and see if this new partnership will be willing to take it on if I'm actually working for one of them at that time.

    If I can achieve that, development may begin next year.
    Last edited: 27 Jan 2007
  11. Sentrosi

    Sentrosi Protocol Officer Officer

    Wow, that's great news Hynch!
  12. Just need to make some alterations to characters and then all I have to do is wait for a reply.

    I am hopeful, but I'm also not completely holding my breath. The amount of hassle you have to go to just for people look at an idea is absurd.
  13. WarWolf

    WarWolf DragonWolf DragonWolf

    Sorry to hear that Hynch. I hope it works out well.
  14. Ya, I don't really think there is much chance to get your story into a game that is already in development, especially since they have access to the original authors of a lot of fluff. Still, it is in early development and if it's worth moving to Texas over you might want to try anyway. I would think they would at least consider you for a position on their team as an artist or level designer.
  15. Since I learned how to do Pitch Documents, I have been making them for every project I've written the fiction for entirely myself so I can pitch this idea to Vigil Games. This is in the event they see a way they can integrate my story into the game; as my project not only provides stuff for those already into the franchise, but also those who know nothing about it.

    I've also submitted a sample of fiction to one of GW's subsidiary-companies, Black Library, as part of a short-story competition they've been running. If I'm successful I might be able to see one of my stories in print.

    Wish me luck :)

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