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Which Transformer are you?

Discussion in 'General Open/Public Discussion' started by mtx, 27 Nov 2001.

  1. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    His name is Hound. He is a gen 1 Autobot.

    I, ofcourse, am a tard.
  2. Great Dane


    That dude was the first one to want to kick butt too.
  3. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Like they say in Army... "Negative"

    The very first Autobot on Earth to want to fight was Cliffjumper.

    I am contemplating how people in other countries see Americans. So far my results from questions I have asked are not positive. I am not surprised.

    LOL They are testing the Emergency Alert system on TV again. Ahh the cold war all over again.
  4. Great Dane


    Stop talking to forigners. They are trouble.
  5. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    They tell me CNN is total American Propaganda.

    I am beginning to wounder weather living in this country is really a good idea anymore. Canada sounds kinda nice these days.
  6. Great Dane


    CNN is American Propaganda as much as the rest of the worlds news is propaganda for that region. It's all a matter of perspective.

    If you read an American history book about the American Revalotuion we are the heros, if you read an English History book, then we are the villians. Just depends on what side your on.
  7. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Not anymore! If you read Germany history books it says Hitler was a bad and terrable person and the great Americans came to save Germany from him. We write other peoples history books :p
  8. Great Dane


    Becuase we are telling the truth, and if you don't like it then you are obviously a Terrorist and you must be destroyed.
  9. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    That sounds so communist.

    You ever think of the fact that Germany was oh.. STARVING TO DEATH. People were living like shit there and we all did it to them. So in turn you could say the world brought World War 2 upon itself by leaving Germany in ruins and forcing them to rise up or die off.

    Its all a matter of perspective. I see this from more than my arrogant American point of view.
  10. Great Dane


    You don't think the whole "Trying to take over the world" thing from WW1 had anything to do with Germany being in ruins before the start of WW2?

    If you want to blame someone for WW2, blame the people that tried to take over the world, not the people that stoped it.

    Too bad you don't see more then the passifist Anti American point of view. That's just what the Terrorists want. they want you to think that we are the reason they are opressed. It has nothing to do with there own countrys policies or politics. It's all our fualt becuase we don't support the beating of woman, or the censorship of music.

    Don't be a moron MTX.

    We are great becuase we are free. They are opressed becuase they are not free. You do the math.
  11. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Why are you talking about terrorists? I'm talking about Germany. The reason they got as far as they did is because the world didn't want to go back into another war. When you leave a people in their condition ofcourse they are going to rebuild and go at it again. Why do you think after WW2 we took half of Germany under our wing?


    Lets be real for a moment though :dane: Have you ever considered what we do to the world? We police other countries. We tell them what they can and can't do and if they don't obey us we run black ops on them. Which can be considered a terrorist act. Alright I'm sure you wouldn't like it if China came over and told you you couldn't do something because they didn't like it.

    Terrorisum in any form is wrong but it is ignorant to assume that we are without our own convictions. I'm not Anti-American I just choose to think for myself.
  12. Great Dane


    We don't really police the world as much as you think. I used to beleave that, and I used to think that we needed to go back to our pre WW2 additude of "If it isn't happening here, then we don't care" additude, but I have been paying atention over the last few years and found that it's not so much the US, as it is the UN that polices the world.

    Now I understand that we have huge say in what happens in the UN, but so do a few other countrys. Everything that we have done in the last 15 years from Bosnia, to Somalia, to Desert Storm was a direct result of someone from one of those countrys asking the UN for help, and when they did, the U.S. stepped up and gave it to them.

    If we don't help the little guy when they ask for it, then what are we supposed to do? Let petty mad men run rampet until there is another world war? That just won't work.
  13. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Noooo! It was a good thread... then politics came in and ruined it! I am such a fool...:cry:

    Britney Spears... Britney Spears... sigh much better :)
  14. I know a little late to post my reply, but here is my top 5 list

    1 - Rodimus Prime
    2 - Optimus Prime
    3 - Tracks
    4 - Galvatron
    5 - Shockwave


    I miss the cartoons.
  15. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Damn you must be a nice guy to get Rodimus Prime and Optimus Prime as your first two choices.
  16. Well, all of these terrorist attacks have shown us that Osama bin Laden and his network can't take away our freedoms and basic rights!

    No, only Attorney General Ashcroft can do that. But, why worry? He's only denying people Habeus Corpus and sending them to military tribunals instead of juries of their peers. But there all terrorist...that or ordinary citizens who have too many "hahk" sounds in their names...

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....Canada....Tastes like bacon...CANADIAN Bacon!
  17. mtx

    mtx Official Decepticon

    Politcs are like burritos. You take out one been now you gonna take on the whole damn burrito.

    Don't worry about it. You can be assured that the military will deal with it how they feel it should be delt with. Overall I think it is a good move. If a few innocent people get smoked during the process well.. life's not fair anyway.

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